post up your creative business ideas!

Core charges:

You buy an alternator, starter, power steering pump etc there is almost always a $30 core charge. BUT, if you don’t buy one from napa or advance etc, and get one online you then have a bad part that is worth a perspective $30. My idea would be to buy these, and rebuild them, and then sell them. I thought of this last night while changing my power steering pump. Changed it out because it was leaking, which is just from a bad bearing that probably cost 5-10 bucks, so just replace that and sell it for $100.

They are proabbly a way better idea that can come from core charges…

almost completely irelivent, but not 100%, I went to buy ink for my computer the other day and 1 black ink cartridge was fucking $30… I looked on ebay and found like a huge quantity of ink and the tool used to fill the cartridges for like $5 lol… like $300-400 retail in ink for $5

yeah ink is stupids expensive. It seems every time i need ink, i need it asap and have to go out and buy it right then, never any time to order. i should stock up

staples refills them in house btw. cheaper than a new one off the shelf.

toner is dummmmb expensive too. and its just fucking powder in a case. lol

There are many places around that rebuild most things with a core charge, but the problem is your market is very limited compared to most ideas in here. You can prolly make money if you have very little to no overhead (such as running it out of your garage for rebuilding then selling online), but I don’t think it’d be worth it for a store front most of the time.

i don’t think it’d be worth it at all lol. but there is just a lot of people who buy a part used on-line, and then they either toss the bad part in their scrap pile or in the garbage, seems like there should be a way to make a buck off that somehow

Insurance Agency. Oh and an intense clothing line once the renewals start piling up.

Any small electronics experts here familiar with Arduino?

Mike, I want to get down on some App development

I can show you a few that I’ve done so far, nothing big, but my next one may be a bit more ambitious, and is automotive related.

drag tree app. Probably alread made.

I’ve got an Arduino uno but I’ve only tinkered with it a little.

Arduino’s are awesome, still learning about mine but PM me your question and I’ll see if I can help.

Working for yourself FTW.

Constant stress FTL.

Take the good with the bad broseph. :ahh

I have already been to the shop and hung out with Jody and Kevin. I have more innovative products in mind.