Problem with clutch pedal

Clutch pedal is not grabbing, goes right to the floor…what could be the problem

Is my 98’ Integra

bleed it. make sure you have fluid. That’s probably all it is. Does it have a Clutch fluid cooler? My 240 had one and it took about 2 hours to bleed it. I removed it and bled it in about 3 minutes.

^ yup, thats what i was gonna say. gotta bleed it.

try pumping to get you by if you are in a quick bind

Check for leaks on the line. They are super easy to make/replace, so you can always just do that.

Ok…let me tell you what happend…lol

battery died…I tried to push the car and drop the clutch myself a couple of times and now is like that

I was at the light on milestrip by the 219 and had to push my car all the way to Target…BY MYSELF Nobody had the decency to offer any help :lol:…oh shit I’m tired

damn that sucks
although its been said. check

  1. slave cylinder for leaks ( common)
  2. clutch master clyinder for leaks at the firewall (very common)

thats really it. Unless you ripped the clutch line apart from mad torque :stuck_out_tongue:

wait. it just stopped working? Check for fluid leaks. Is the clutch engaged? Try starting it in gear with the clutch depressed. Does it lurch? (make sure you aren’t going to hit anything when you try this.)

Yeah that clutch damper box makes bleeding the system a pain. Plus, with it out you get a better feel from the pedal.

I need to pick that battery up man

ok so bleed the damn thing and I’m good to go

how the hell do I do that?

bleeding may not be your problem, you must first ask “why am i low on fluid?”


yes my master

Lol :lol: just thought that was funny, but dont mind me help the guy out.

may the force be with you on this one.

So wait, it was working perfectly, the battery died, you tried to pop start it, and now the pedal goes right to the floor?

If so, I guess there is a slight chance it could be one of those “two things totally unrelated broke at the same time” kind of problems. But it’s a Honda, not a Pontiac, so I really doubt it. My guess is the clutch is stuck disengaged, maybe because of something you did trying to pop start it. Maybe simply starting the car will release it.

yeah, thats what i told him to do… but IDK why it would stick…

I would also check to see if you broke the fork that the slave cylinder piston pushes on as well. That would keep the clutch engaged at all times and make the pedal hit the floor with no effort and no rebound. Seeing as you were popping the clutch when this happened, I like my hypothesis. However, thinking deeper into it…as you release the clutch (poppping) you are actually relieving pressure from that fork, so now what i said sounds a little silly. fuck it… on with project insomniac.

you can have someone else actuate the clutch and look in the engine bay to see if the slave is moving. or if it is extended or w/e


now I need a ride to Target with some jumper cables

this is on your project car?