Problem with Idle in Truck

My truck this wek started doing this high idle BS when I start it up and after I run it down the aprk way to work, when I come to a stop its starts to do this high low idle jumping around. Does anyone have any idea what this could be?

Its a 91 S-10 with the 2.5 manual. The volts are staying at about 15-16 while idling which is normal and the Oil pressure will jump up to about 80 when its cold and first started then as it warms up it falls to about 40-50 with mild fluxuations. It does not fluxuate in sync with the high / low idle while stopped…

I just had a full tune up on it done in october or novemeber due to the distributor cap bing cracked and having a hard time starting it in wet weather. I have only put about 2500 miles on it since september 1st.

Other than that it has been running fine as can be for a truck this old with 107k miles on it. :dunno:

vacume lick

going into the throttle body? how would I fix that?

cant spell,cant help



ball licker :finger:

my be a plastic line broke.find break,replace with a rubber hose!

if u had any

I take it, there is a way to splice and repare plastic to rubber? and do I just ask for vaccum line at the auto store?

also what is the easiest way to find the leak?

listin for spppppppp,yes u can cut out bad part,slide rubber over!

ok cool, listen for leak slide condom over leak…Cool


could also be t/b gasket

ok cool will it make the same vaccum sound or do I have to check that a different way… Thank god its on top of the motor easy to reach unlike the cav. I really don;t feel like fucking with this all weekend…

you could also take carb cleaner and spray and listen for the engine to rev higher that is where your vac. leak will more likely to be


I’m going to try and look at it tonight after work some time but it will probably have to wait until tomarrow after I’m done getting the Cav inspected and the Recall taken care of. I have so much to do this weekend.

Hey Brian I was just talking to a Buddy here at work.

Off the top of your head can you think…

On that engine are the lines rubber? Also do you have any idea where they run to? Like does it run to the gas tank, the air cleaner? Its the 2.5 91 s-10, and this thing must have been like the work bas emodle because it doesn;t even have power steering. :dunno:

Also My buddy was thinking about possibly some Idle Air sensor going bad :dunno:

Just throwing out suggestions since I;m at work and have nothing esle to do.

If you are having the idle fluctuations, it could be your Idle Air Controller (if they even have them on 91 S10s). I had something similar on my old 94 Ranger and I just got some carb cleaner and cleaned the heck out of the IAC. Worked perfectly after that. It looked like a small metal cylinder the size of a roll of film on the intake. The liquid that came out of it was black for a long time…

check engine light on? is it the same doc as yesturday?