quad wont run

shut the fuck up

Ive already tested for spark and found that there isnt any. I mean a way to test a coil or stator.

too much shit to just start throwing parts at it.

keep a few things in mind… he said he keeps it out side but covered and said he rode it a bit and then it quit.

Before you take it all apart check to be sure the key wires are good… you could always take off and jump together to be sure the switch is not bad as goes for any other kill switches it may have…

Also, if there is a Kill plug…(the hook it to me type that pulls out when your launch from the machine is some “watch this” manuver) could have a poor contact.

With all the rain and humidity…would flip the switch on and off a bunch of time and see if that helps…

all those will shut down spark!

If not bring it to A.S.S…yeah we fix them too!


I dont know y i bother ever responding to any threads on this site!! Everybody and there parrot is a fucking expert and could make a cheese burger run 9’s in the quarter!!! unfuckinbelievable really!!! but 97% of them pay others to fix there shit cause they can’t !!! lmfao

yup it is alot lot to just start throwing parts at. but technology has improved greatly on electronics. so with that said. u just need to check that stuff cause it’s prob. not bad but just a loose connection or corrided conn. or like ASS said som water prob just got in key switch or in some connection some where…

mouse eat a wire. or started to then the bare wire shorted out.

get a volt meter out and test shit.

had the same problem with my old raptor… ended up being the CDI box. bought one on raptorforums for 30 bucks haha and i was good to go!

this is exactly why I said the first thing to do is check to see if there is spark. It needs spark and fuel to start so one of the two isnt working…he claimes there is no spark.

now, like stated above, it is either a switch, loose connection, grounded wire (rubbed through insulation on frame somewhere) and worst case scenario, a bad stator coil,CDI Box or ignition coil/wire.


I did move the kill switch a few times yesterday and nothing changed. Theres not a kill plug/tether thing on it.
I couldnt see anything obvious as far as a broken wire goes. I traced some of the wires and didnt find anything I could see.

I really dont know what to look for with a voltmeter (I do have one).

Stators and cdi’s are expensive for this thing. Well over $200 each.

Gotta pay to play my friend.

Time to sell it and cut your loses. Car is more fun to drive anyway.

Does it have a kill switch or not? Your kinda contridicting your self there. It it has a kill switch, there should be a removable tether your suposed to attach to your ass so when u crash it comes ouf of the kill and shuts the machine off.

I know your not dumb, so I assume you mean the thumb switch for off/run/start button.

Stators are expensive but they can be found online cheap. Same for the CDI.

The stator usually slowly dies, doesnt just loose all power output for no reason, something isnt connected. Gotta get a volt meter out and probe your way aorund it. there isnt really any way around that.

Check the fuses?


I meant the off/run/off thumb switch. Thats what I call a kill switch. Theres nothing on it to hook a tether to.

I dont know if and where theres fuses on this thing.

Im not selling it. First off I owe more than its resale value and second its alot of fun and I can ride it most of the year. I was riding it just about every weekend prior to parking it.

Maybe Ill look at it some more this weekend if I get a chance. I suppose I could always pull parts off my brother’s quad to see if they work on mine since we have the same quads. Thats if he lets me though.

Sell the useless quad and get a kayak. You can get exercise while you use it, costs $0 to operate and maintain, and is surprisingly a lot of fun.


The quad is fun so its not useless to me.

If I dont have time to ride the quad what makes you think Id have time for a kayak anyway?

jellies bring it up to the garage fri night ill deal with it kid . im gonna start doin all sorts of shit there for extra moniezzzz

dude, i didnt know you had a twin machine right there. DEF start swapping parts. you can find the problem in an hour.

Fuses should be under the seat, near the tool pouch compartment area, usually. or up under the rear fender in a protective box or some shit. Check your owners manuall kiiid.

if you get it running this weekend, get at me, we might ride up the mt at Sacandoga.

Im gonna bring it to John’s Friday. Id really rather not take apart two quads and make them both not run.

I havent had a chance to really look at the owners manual. I know the fuses arent under the seat where the tools are though.

What day do you plan on riding? Saturday is pretty much shot for me but Im around Sunday in the afternoon (morning plans for a few hours).