Quarter Mile times

You better do it right and not try and cheap out!!! I am sick and tired of hear guys saying I do not have the money to build the ka or buy a engine management system, so they throw on a ebay kit with A SAFC and blow up the Ka. Then they buy a half clip ( SR20,RB OR CA) for the same about of money of building a KA.

Well I had some bad luck this year, fired 2 pistons due to running lead ( 900cc injector with JWT tune for 550cc and SAFC to remove the fuel) got the engine fix, bought a AEM from KA-T.org (I got scam!!! - www.ka-t.org) the AEM was not working I had to fix it my self, had no money for gas to tune the car, had problems with map sensor. Anyway went to the track Put in the race fuel left the street tires on to tune the car for 25psi ( first time I had the boost up, was running 12psi on the street) first run I roll out and the the pull in 3rd and 4 gear my tuner told me to shut it down, went back turn the boost up raise the timming went to do a next pull, did 2nd and 3rd gear came of the gas then the car died, still ran a 89mh, I fried my MSD COIL. Did not even get the chance to put the drag radials on and do a run. Had to tow the car home.

Going to the Track next SATURDAY!!!

Junior was like a track slut!!! I NEVER SEEN SOMEONE RACE AS MUCH AS HIM.