RANT re: Cops

See if you can achive some correct spelling would ya? :stuck_out_tongue:


a bunch of shit that screams “LOOK AT ME” then you get pissed when you get hasseled :bloated:


i said i like it, i didint say i do it.

by profiling me, i should have been more specific. they have made me get out of my car they have searched me, theyve searched my car, theyve accused me of driving while impaired when i was not, then they blame it on the fiberglass box thats in my trunk, its made of fiberglass it must be fumes that are getting to you. hey assholes there are cars made of fiberglass… theyve hassled my passengers. like i said he pulled me over in my driveway and admitted i wasnt speeding and they just try to get me to admit to things im not doing. IVE BEEN PULLED OVER BECAUS EI WAS DOING THE SPEED LIMIT AND THE COP SAID I WAS ACTING SUSPICIOUS AND AVOIDING HIM!!! i live off of harlem… i was making a left onto harlem to take my girlfrind home who lives on harlem. they know this too becuase ive been “pulled over” in her diveway too. and then i was going to go to louies ON HARLEM. back to making my left. i was making my left when a cop was driving by towards louies. i let him go and pulle dout behind him. he pulled over in front of multisorb by across from the skatepark. i passed him he followed me over the bridge and left when i pulled into my girlfirends driveway. she decides she wants food too. i back out of the driveway and continue on to louies, he passes me going the opposite direction and flips his bitch follows me again to louies and puts his light on when i park. blah blah blah your we avoiding me and going slow. NO I WASNT AND IF I WAS ITS FOR GOOD FUCKING REASON TO AVOID THIS FUCKING HASSLE!

^one of many photos that i have^ this one happens to be in my GFs driveway.




i wanna go slap my momma cuz of this thread


I’m sure I have achived more than you.


Just answer this, do you or do you not still live with mommy?

If yes, you might want to take a step back and re-evaluate your life, mr snowmobile racer.


Picard’s played out.


i said i like it, i didint say i do it.

by profiling me, i should have been more specific. they have made me get out of my car they have searched me, theyve searched my car, theyve accused me of driving while impaired when i was not, then they blame it on the fiberglass box thats in my trunk, its made of fiberglass it must be fumes that are getting to you. hey assholes there are cars made of fiberglass… theyve hassled my passengers. like i said he pulled me over in my driveway and admitted i wasnt speeding and they just try to get me to admit to things im not doing. IVE BEEN PULLED OVER BECAUS EI WAS DOING THE SPEED LIMIT AND THE COP SAID I WAS ACTING SUSPICIOUS AND AVOIDING HIM!!! i live off of harlem… i was making a left onto harlem to take my girlfrind home who lives on harlem. they know this too becuase ive been “pulled over” in her diveway too. and then i was going to go to louies ON HARLEM. back to making my left. i was making my left when a cop was driving by towards louies. i let him go and pulle dout behind him. he pulled over in front of multisorb by across from the skatepark. i passed him he followed me over the bridge and left when i pulled into my girlfirends driveway. she decides she wants food too. i back out of the driveway and continue on to louies, he passes me going the opposite direction and flips his bitch follows me again to louies and puts his light on when i park. blah blah blah your we avoiding me and going slow. NO I WASNT AND IF I WAS ITS FOR GOOD FUCKING REASON TO AVOID THIS FUCKING HASSLE!

^one of many photos that i have^ this one happens to be in my GFs driveway.


could it be your license plate ‘FCK POPO’?

What? No. That can’t be his plate. There is no way he has that license plate and is bitching about attention from the cops.


… snip…


I hope the police pull you out of your car and Rodney King your ass just for your total lack of line or paragraph breaks. :stuck_out_tongue:


I hope the police pull you out of your car and Rodney King your ass just for your total lack of line or paragraph breaks. :stuck_out_tongue:


lol i knew somone was going to say SOMETHING along those lines… at least i used periods.


could it be your license plate ‘FCK POPO’?


do you think thats it? :bloated:

Bfry, you say my argument is one sided like yours wasnt. i dont come on here bitching about all these things that happen to me. evAr. i know that my car is a donut magnet. im well aware of the attention it generates. i said in my original post that if they are going to pop me for window tints and exhaust so be it. it doesnt bother me. its when they use that as an excuse to put me thourhg a whole bunch of other useless shit that doesnt need to be done is when i get angry. they accuse me of stealing car audio shit they ask my g/f if everythings ok and if she knows me blah blah blah :bloated: its funking disgusting. cheektowaga has surrounded me with 4 cars at jims truck stop at 2 AM while i was on my lunch break from derrick (which is less than 1/2 mile away) because my underbodies were on and i didnt even know it. its the bullshit im fed up with.

That’s not your plate is it?


Just answer this, do you or do you not still live with mommy?

If yes, you might want to take a step back and re-evaluate your life, mr snowmobile racer.


Yes I do, but agian I am 19. No point of me to move into an appartment and throw money away as I am looking to buy a house soon…so why would I move out right now?

Oh yeah I forgot…if you live at home you don’t have a grasp on real life…give me a fucking break I pay bills I own valuable things I pay taxes
I can say what I want So yes, I do have a grasp on real life…tough guy.

In Jay’s defense, life changes a lot when you move out. That’s not to say you can’t have a clue when you live at home, but you’ve done a good job of demonstrating that you don’t.


That’s not your plate is it?


of course its not my plate. im stupid, not retarded. and whats was with the whole "you are not entitled to mod your car/ 3k stereo thing? are you for real? if you buy the car you are entitled to do whatever the fuck you want with it. its yours. in soviet russia car m0ds you. in america you do what you want to your car.

I didn’t think that would be your plate. I don’t agree with you on this issue, but you’ve never come across as unintelligent.

As for the stereo thing, no you’re not entitled to do whatever you want to your car. It’s legal to put a big stereo in it. It’s not legal to tint your car. You are not entitled to break the tint law just because you CHOSE to put a big stereo in it.

i like to break the law just to test how thorough the local law enforcement is in enforcing the rules. When i try explaining that the only reason i broke the law was to keep them on their toes, they still give me the ticket. WTF


Oh yeah I forgot…if you live at home you don’t have a grasp on real life.


No, but don’t come on here and try to sound like you’ve achieved so much in your life because you get paid to race. If mom and dad weren’t paying for the vast majority of you expenses I’m sure that racer career of yours would be abandoned real quick, as would your nice new car. So when you join the real world, maybe then those of us in it will give a shit about your opinions.

NO its not illegal to put a system in your car. its illegal to go over a certain decibel rating outside your vehicle. which i do not. i actually have a dB meter IN MY DASH. i didnt tint my window to protect my system. thats waht my alarm is for. i tinted my windows to keep the sun out of my fucking eyes and to protect my interior from the harmful UV rays. i dont bump my shit in neighborhoods at night. and i listen to mostly rock and classical music when my windws are down. gangsta shit is for when the windows are up and nobody can laff at the skinny white boy with Beatz

:word: Like I said it’s not illegal to put a system in your car.

However, neither that nor wanting to keep UV rays out of your car entitles you to break the tint law. The law is the law. Change it, abide by it, or don’t be pissed when you get called out for breaking it.

…for the record I think the tint law is bullshit and should be changed. Sure maybe it makes it safer for cops to approach a car, but then how come having 30% permissivity limits in southern states works fine for them? I’m just saying it’s not the cop’s fault for enforcing it.

Anyhow, I’m through repeating myself. You guys have fun with this thread!


I think you’re missing his point. He never said your stereo was illegal. He said lots of people use the excuse of having a big money aftermarket stereo to put illegal tint on their car. That doesn’t make the tint any less illegal. Nor does your “it protects my interior” arguement. First, most cars come with a UV blocker right from the factory. Second, even if you have a car that doesn’t, you can easily add a light tint that will block the UV and still be legal. Or just put on sun glasses if you’re saying it’s for your eyes.

The point being is you feel you have a right to break the law. It is a cop’s job to enforce those laws. To me it sounds like you take great pride in flaunting that you feel you are above any law you don’t agree with, yet wonder why you are now on the shitlist of every cop in your neighborhood. It’s not real hard to see why you get all this extra attention from the cops. You brought it on yourself.

Even if you stopped doing EVERYTHING illegal today you’re still going to get extra attention from them for a while because you made it personal by shoving your law breaking right in their face, repeatedly.