well, the TB is more for my next project. it’s 30mm larger than the stock unit, so it can flow a lot more air, less restriction, etc etc, but i got a good deal on it, and i needed the TPS. yeah, the tach recalibration is actually really easy, lol, i’m guessing you found that site?

the TPS should be about .4-.6v closed, and about 4.5v at wide open throttle. just grab a meter and figure out which leads to test. can’t remember what the colors are now. oh, and the key has to be in the “on” position

why is there a twelve volt source going to the tps?

yeah. there are two connectors, i’m pretty sure it’s the one that is connected right on the throttle body, not the one hanging by a wire.

Do not ever use PetroCanada fuel. My god, my car is running like a bag of shit.

Had NO choice on the way back home from Tobermory…:frowning:

How worth it would it be to swap the 20 for a 25??? I’m power hungry…again…

leave the 20 in and just upgrade it. its easy to do. and i use petrocan all the time and ive had no problems at all with it. my car runs great! so does the bike when i use petrocan. maybe you just got a bad batch.

Try shell V-power…see what happens :wink:

i only use sunoco 94 in all my toys never had any issues… well worth the extra 5 cents a liter

I find 94 and V-power and quite similar. Back fires much more on 94. Still weighing out the pro’s and cons.

I have always been a freak fan for 94. Yet they have to many additives for older cars.

dude, just soup up the 20. that’s what i’m doing. just got my q45 throttle body in today. wonder how much horse i can flow through that… :wink:

I heard Shell is the way to go, Vpower of course. I have heard this from many people and unless you need to run 94 I would not recommend Sunoco.

let me know how the q45 TB works for ya. how much was it? are you running a Q45 TPS too?


GT28RS, GT30 or RB25NEO turbo??? 350-400hp goal

i’m almost thinking the neo myself. funny how we seem satisfied for a bit, but in reality, it’s never really enough, lol.

nope, never ever enough.

lol, def. never enough. did you end up figuring out your tranny problems?

Well, I need another tranny lol.

Gonna hold out as long as I can. Get a B&M SR shifter, modify it to fit. Hopefully that’ll stop me from over shifting.

How’d the Q45 throttle body work out for ya?

lol, just get a 4 foot shifter and remove the sun-roof, bet that’d solve your problems ;). haven’t even put it on yet, that’s part of next years project. if i stick with the 20 that is.

I was just thinking.

If we clean the crap up in this thread. Try and keep all RB related shit in here. Possibly this could be stickied for everyone under FAQ’s or in technical.

There should be an SR, KA, CA, etc etc thread too I believe.

Anyways. I think it was Chris that mentioned something about having power at the AAC which is sandwiched between the lower intake and upper plenum. I checked, I do. To me, the car does not have a lot of torque at all. Then again, Peter (Pantaloons) drove my car, he told me it feels really good. I have nothing to compare to, so, I dunno lol.

Something I have been noticing lately. My rpms, surge sometimes. NEVER dies, never really comes close. Coming to a stop sometimes, she drops to 400-500. I have her idle set dead at 1,000-900rpm. Probably gonna take the IACV out and clean her up. Hopefully thats all it is.

I wonder if there are any quick and easy “fix’s” to give the RB20’s a little more umph! lol

yeah, this whole thread is pretty good for the information it has in it. and no worries, my rb does that too, mine’ll go down as low as 300 when i stop at a light. i think it could be the iacv also.

if you come across any easy fixes, let me know, lol, i know mine is being held back at least a bit by the intake, i can hear it just struggling to suck in enough air

if your not running a recirc’d bov it will stumble at stops just cause it doesnt compensate for the air its not getting but thinks it is. also if you have a high idle that wont go down at all i figured out today that my TPS/idle control didnt have any power going to it at all. just got my front mount one, once i get power to my TPS it should run like a dream :slight_smile: