Reason 90% of car FS threads on SON don't have pictures. RANT

dammm u racial sensitive guys in here.

racial jokes have been around since day one. its funny cuz its true to a majority of the group. its not true to every single one of them but who cares. as long as u dont mean it.

just like not every brown guy smells like curry. but ppl will still make the joke and say so. k lets be fair il make fun of every race . not every asian has a small weewee but it became a myth and ppl make fun of them. not every blk dude has a big weewee but it seems all ppl think so. not every white person was in kkk… etc the list goes onnnnnnnnn

jokes are jokes its not meant to hurt no one. if cant take it well then i cant help u lol… why so serious?

I was kidding… sorry it is not obvious online…

he was from brampton

im 100% he was brown too

F.O.B.WALL u just need to shut up and ,get a life other then adding to 5000+ posts and, watching every video online for the sole reason to declare them all old or seriously old the moment people post them. In general YOU are what is wrong with this site cause all you seem to do is flame people. i’m gonna stop before i get more annoyed, fuck i can’t belive i’m actually being serious which is outta charater. newho
P.S justa so ju no dar r more dan a few brown people on this site, u racist e-thug fuck.

I like ketchup on my fries


you need to chiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllll. seriously.

there are white people and then there are cracka’s (or whatever the derogatory word is)
there are brown people and then there are sand niggers.
there are black people and then there are niggers.

every race has an asshole or a bitch. you wanna keep fighting this racial shit. have fuckin fun. because there is no win or loss. just constant bullshit. so shut the fuck up and live life.


i’m white…call me a cracka. i don’t give a fuck because i don’t know you. and it’s the internet. chill out.

lucidsnow is a stupid chin!! muahahaha

it wasn’t intended to sound like that nor was it intended to offend you nor anyone else or cause excess drama so i don’t see why u need to tell me to chillll i never said anything offensive towards anyone i just pointed out the obvious, anyways peace lets leave it at that i said what i needed to say and that is last i will say with this post.
btw those who do know me can vouch i’m ANYTHING but serious and am not bias

i think the point that fobwall was referring to was not the fact that because he was brown he had no money to pay for gas, it was the fact that every time you hear of a brown guy, the next thing that proceeds it is “They are Brampton”, I am from Brampton and not racist, but Ill tell you something, there sure is a lot of brown people here lol. Cant deny the truth, its like saying there is not Arabs in Chicago. Just like Mexicans, also African Americans are in South central…yadayada…Asians live in markham, asians cant drive…whooopdidy.

jlee is a fat chin BAHAHHAHAHA 200lb beauty

Just like how Chinese people can’t drive cause we can’t see the road clearly.

white power.

No wonder your always sliding around…
Can’t see the road Samson?

ahhaa, this thread is awesome. I m pretty sure that guy was brown, as i know a lot of brown guys that tried to do that to me.

Season for prime minister.

*sigh…there’s a reason why stereotypes exist. i’m sorry but…

when brown people come asking you for a 20 sack, then proceed to give you 2 fives, 2 toonies, and a loonie…

when orientals come asking you for a 20 sack, they ask you how much for a hq and q, to gage the bargain…

when whites come asking you for a 20 sack, no questions asked!

…main point, you can’t really take any race seriously. it’s all in the context.

Hey i’m white and I find the term “Cracka” very offensive! i prerfer to be called a HONKEY! LOL

What was this thread about again? Raceism for sale?

Bra Za, you might not be biased, but are you brown?

A joke is a joke, it doesn’t matter if it’s racial or not. If you can’t take a joke, then well, too bad for you.

Hell, I make fun of myself too. Are you going to bitch at me for doing that?

Were you the guy that asked farmer to give you $20 for gas money?

seriously tho…

i need that 20 bucks man