Red Ring of Death on your Xbox 360? Solution inside

Gaming goodness gone thanks to the red Ring of Death? Have no fear huge nerds! Happy days will soon be here again!

This is a job for… The Towel Trick!


das fire!

das works! :tup:

I seen it.

i saw a diff video of that… if it overheats by a lot then it will boot into safe mode or something right? i wonder how long it lasts. i heard just a couple weeks or something, but if someone has a dead 360 it’d be worth a shot right…

That’s neat if it really works. I hope I never have to try it.

ugh… a week earlier and i would have tried this.

i had to send mine out…damnit

thats cool but msft fixes for free so… even though u may go without it for a few weeks, still not too bad.

Ahhhh… the joys of the gaming community. There’s always someone that comes up with some off-the-wall solution that usually works.

Any idea on the song?


thats cool but msft fixes for free so… even though u may go without it for a few weeks, still not too bad.


yea m$ will fix it if its still under warranty, or for some people on here… if it isnt modded.

it works, but only for a couple weeks, I have done that and the eraser trick, and now my board is fucked so I just bought a new one that does not have the issues.

oh ya and I even got my money back from BB for the original.

lolll this guy is pretty smart!


Any idea on the song?


I’m racking my brain trying to recall who did the song.



yea m$ will fix it if its still under warranty, or for some people on here… if it isnt modded.


Tons of people with modded systems have had their systems replaced by microsoft. They’re exchanging so many they aren’t even checking.




No. But thanks for playing, we have some lovely parting gifts for you :gtfo:

I had the same problem…did the towel trick…worked for a few weeks…ring came back. I did the X Clamp worked for a few months, ring came back. I adjusted the bolts on the X clamp. Fixed it again…for a few months…aaand now it is back again. Piece of shit.

Since I modded the case, and the board I cant return mine.


Tons of people with modded systems have had their systems replaced by microsoft. They’re exchanging so many they aren’t even checking.


nice… i had not heard that…

I had it. I sent it back under warranty, then sold it as soon as I got it back and bought a ps3.

^ lol, the best fix


No. But thanks for playing, we have some lovely parting gifts for you :gtfo:


Yes . . .and no

wrong link, still a repost.
