Remote start while walking to car?

Seriously, why do people do it? Do they just have the need to feel “cool” by starting it 10 seconds before getting into it?

I dont get it…someone explain it to me.:io:

the best part is when they get in and you hear a grrrcccchhhh

because they arent smart enough to not turn the key to start thier already running car.

well at night…
its more safe for people who don’t wanna get mugged so they aren’t struggling to get in and start it and leave

what micah said, is a valid excuse… i know i’ve been guilty of doing it randomly too though, but i usually like to let a car idle for a lil bit before i go driving off with it, so i figure why not get a headstart lol

I do it all the time. I figure the extra 10-30 seconds of startup time helps a bit before I get in and drive it. And now it’s just habit…

Instead, some people have their car in gear and have started to pull away before the car is even done turning over it seems. That is ridiculous, IMO.

Relax for a sec…


I do it all fucking winter long, so it’s just part of the process of closing up shop… albeit not as I’m walking to the car.

  1. I don’t have to wait for glow plugs.
  2. Best to let a diesel run a sec before going anywhere
  3. If you left the AC on the hot air will be out of the vents by the time you get the door open
  4. glow plugs again…

+1 for letting the hot air out and the ac blasting!

not too mention its ALWAYS a good thing to let the engine run a few seconds before peeling out of your parking spot.

No remote start in the car, but when I was dd’ing the truck I’d do it for a couple reasons.

  1. Let engine fire up and circulate oil before I took off.
  2. Let the AC or at least vents crank some air in there since I would always crank the fan when I got out.

3. It was fun to watch people jump as the ghost truck fired to life just as they were walking by it.

yup. i do it too.

esp. during the winter time.

yeah see i understand letting the car get warm in the winter and letting it cool down in the summer. I even understand letting the engine warm up. For 10 seconds of time though it seems a little silly.

The safety issue would make sense if it wasnt 4PM in the middle of williamsville. :lol:

So letting the engine lubricate its naughty bits is silly?


i do it all the time i feel its better for it rather than just starting it up and throwig it in gear while its still cold and on its fast idle my .02

So you can leave your system on and let the people hear the siq beats as you’re walkin’ up yo!

I don’t have a remote start but I always let my vehicle warm up a bit to get things flowing before I take off. It’s just a habit


i miss my remote start

I do it for attention.