Runners, step inside.

In all the sports and athletic activities I’ve done…never have I stretched. Slowly warm up like Paulo mentioned.

Almost noon…time for my 7 mile loop:)

for the people that don’t stretch, are you pretty flexible?

I stretch after I run. I am pretty flexible? lol

I’m no less flexible now than when I used to stretch. But honestly didn’t take much notice.

cool, just curious

So I put on my old cross trainers and knocked out 3 miles after my workout. Fufufufu. My knee started to hurt a little so I slowed down and tightened up my stride and it went away. I guess i’m just not a mexican indian. We’ll see how the stairs up to my office feel…

I hope you showered…

I have to wonder how many people here shower before returning to work…
I have seen some sweaty things take place over lunch…

Nope. I stink.

The more I run, the more flexible I became. I also got my verticle jump back and at 5’10" was able to dunk a basketball again:) No stretch guy here…running has done amazing things for me. Also, shower at work after every run.

Fry, keep on it!

Oof. The stairs didn’t like me much. Oh well. I’ll take a day or two off and do another 2-3 in my crosstrainers.

I’ve got a bunch of work travel coming up though. FML. 10-12 hour days at a job followed by a dinner it’s hard not to get glutonous at since you’re not paying and have nothing else to do then bed. Repeat until there’s nitrogen flowing down the pipeline. Oh well. Makes it harder to get into a routine but I guess that’s just another excuse.

3 mile runs can be done in under 30 minutes with ease…you’ve got the time. Days off may not help you much…gotta run through some soreness as your body adjusts. Also, the first 3 miles tend to be warm up and when you feel the most discomfort…try and stick it out a little longer, you’d be suprised at how much better the run feels after the 3rd mile.


Sounds like you could do some visual pipeline inspections…

They might wonder why you do it bare foot though.

That would be a cool job. Running through fields along pipelines? Sign me up. Only in nice weather though.

FYI: we have multiple showers on site…

I also have multiple showers at my house, which is where I finished my run. I smell like a rose.

eew. Ivory or GTFO.

shower pics?

The friend of mine who is a PT, also happens to have just started a business called RunSmart. They can analyze how you run and train you proper technique, show you what’s going wrong, etc… I’m not too sure on details but I can get you in touch with him if you’d like to ask more questions. The guys knows his shit.

Because of this thread, I set my alarm 20 minutes earlier this morning so that I could hit the tread mill for a bit…

Obviousley I slept in and came to work 20 minutes late :slight_smile:

Vizzy’s for lunch? :smiley: