SCCA Solo II AutoX Novice School - 4/22/06

I highly reccomend this. I always show up late cuz I’m a moron and only walking the course once is not enough IMO.

Looks like it might rain. Might just get to find out if the beauty of all-wheel drive is all it’s cracked up to be. :slight_smile:

Doh, I just read the e-mail from someone I forgot someone else was using #13 in DS well before I started gotta get taht fixed now too.

thanks for the info everyone

I hope to everything holy it rains for novice school :eekdance:

edit: holy fawk its gonna rain the whole weekend

Anyone want to volunteer to work in the truck???

I’ve never worked on the timing laptop but I’m pretty PC savvy. If you need help in the truck, lemme know. #26 AS

Asians don’t know how to work PCs


I ran faster times (by like 1.5 seconds) in the rain in my Audi (quattro) than in the dry.


it is not hard to learn…we could def. use the help. there aren’t many of us running the timing truck this year since Stephen is gone.

I will probably be in the truck all day anyway, unless I can co-drive someone elses car. Mine won’t be ready.

ur more than welcome if u can handle the heavy load of a maxima

I can help, better than waving a orange flag out in the pouring rain :slight_smile: I’ll talk to you guys when I get there

PM sent sir.

I will be there for almost the whole event, so I will probably help out in the truck.

Sorry for my dumb questions I am still a noob too this and being in Buffalo… Can somebody give me a address so I can Map Quest this place. I have no clue where it is lol.
Thanks in advance. Joe,+Buffalo,+NY+14221&ll=42.962264,-78.714595&spn=0.014572,0.050211&om=1

Ignore where the pushpin is, that’s my old office. It was the easiest way for me to get a map close to ECC-N. We’re running in the big gray square labeled “Erie Community College- North Campus” between Youngs and Tech Dr. Enter from Wherle Dr.

Ill be there!

Thanks a lot bro.

Well that was a lot of fun

Sure was, i did a shit load better than i thought i was gonna.

omg!1!1!! my brokes braked… ummmm wiat that’s not right. Good thing I live 2 miles away from ECC-N, have 8 spare rotors, and 15 sets of brake pads.

I deffinately have a few things to learn with this car.

I liked that I was able to communicate some ideas to my students and they picked up on it. I guess the advice that I gave that worked the best was:

me:“O.K. now time to drive faster, I mean really attack it.”
him:“When should I brake?”
me:“Just don’t brake until you get scared.”