sheetz gas?

There isnt a difference. The octane levels, ethanol content, all is Exact. What you really are looking for is moisture content, detergents added, and anti-freezing agents.

Sheetz gas is in fact open market gas. They don’t have a consistent supplier. They buy off whoever sells it cheaper. DO they test their gasoline? Who knows? There are alot more suppliers than what you see at the gas stations. Conoco phillips ring a bell to anyone? I have heard stories that mixing gas from different suppliers will form a gel in your fuel system. I would assume that buying from sheetz exponentially increases these chances because what you pump into your car is a mixture of different suppliers fuels.

well i never get gas at sunoco cause i live in moon and everyone in moon hangs out at sheets cause were a bunch of nerdy ass losers so i just get my gas there. but i have heard that their gas burns quicker or something of that sort.

Well the advantages of higher octane gas is that it burns cleaner for the best reason.Yea I drive a Cobalt and yea its under warranty and all but I dont want to be at a dealership unless I have too. This is my 1st brand new car I ever owned so I want to take care of it and give it the best of fluids after all that is what keeps the life of your car.Also,if all gas is the same pretty much then why would certain dealers call for certain gas.I know my girlfriends 06 Mustang calls for BP.Engineers do things for a reason thats why they get paid so much.

higher octane burns slower, it doesn’t ignite as easy. plain and simple

so higher octane=better/cleaner gas?

I run the octane level that my car was designed for, anything higher is a waste of money. I didn’t think the higher octane had different additives and was cleaner to burn, but I could be wrong.

As an experiment, I filled the Jeep with Sheetz the other day. It was bucking a little bit yesterday. Never did that before…back to Sunoco and Exxon brands for me.

It does not burn cleaner, I dont know what they taught you at wyotech…
It resistant to detonation…FYI detonation is when the air fuel mixture in your cylinders ignites before it’s supposed to. Thats the ONLY reason to use higher octane pump fuel. Then theres race gas, used for retarding timing…gaining horsepower by doing so. IF you put race gas in a car that isnt tuned for it…your wasting a shitload of money.

Ford is the ONLY company that recommends BP fuel (because they get paid to). Most others use Chevron for testing vehicles, why? Because it is a more reliable standard to compare vehicles using the same gasoline.

Then theres race gas, used for retarding timing…gaining horsepower by doing so.

Are you serious? I can gain horsepower by retarding timing? Damn, I need to turn my distributer the other way!! FUCK!

Oh wait, I don’t have to turn my distributer; I can just put some racing gas in and that will retard my ignition timing for me! No wrenching required!

HAHA you know what i meant

to clarify…you can retard timing, for use with racing gas, to achieve more hp

higher octane = temperature increase from it more complete combustion its a fact.Yes, gas comes from two different distributors but it is then taken somewhere for specific companys and additives are added into the fuel.If you think thats not right then Master Techs at Wyo-Tech are wrong which I highly doubt.

what are you guys talking about? why would you want to retard timign? to a certain degree more timing = more power and lower EGTs which wouldn’t let the engine get as hot. I thought that’s why you ran race gas, for the oppsosite of what you’re saying

yes but retarding the timing will prevent pre-ignition.

sheetz chillie dogs give me gas

i think you just suggested my lunch

chilli dogs :yum:

HAHA you know what i meant

to clarify…you can retard timing, for use with racing gas, to achieve more hp

No, all joking aside, I have no idea what you mean.

Advancing timing = more horsepower
Retarding timing = less horsepower

I think that somewhere you heard that high performance engines with power adders or high compression can require retarded timing and/or high octane racing fuel to prevent detonation; and you interpreted this to mean that retarded timing makes it possible to run racing fuel which makes more horsepower. This is wrong.

you guys are all fucking stupid who arre saying retard timing with race gas…Leaded gas needs to run a greater advance CURVE due to it’s slower burn rate. why don’t you guys go learn something and then post, instead of posting and making us correct you.


I don’t think we have sheetz down here, but there’s a sonic right around the corner from my house.
