Saw at least 3 or 4 CPD roll into colonie center as F&F was letting out as if they had the movie schedule memorized. Was raining too hard to hang around and see if anyone was dumb enough to do any typical stupid shit after one of those movies.
there was mass cops that shit was orchastrated
good night
two cops had a '90’s Town Car pulled over by the Sears auto center when I went by there after 12
It was that popcorn bitch… He sold us out…
Pretty sure the rain did a better job of stopping shenanigans than the cops did. I do however see some spectacular vehicles on my walk back to the car. I think an integra with a wing that was definitely at least 2 feet tall and I was parked next to an Oldsmobile eightyeight with skulls plastered all over the side.
I saw that Olds a few days ago
just saw a guy riding a razor scooter down the shoulder of the northway southbound near exit 5
I saw a white late '60’s/early '70’s Chevy Impala with some kind of motor/rocket thing mounted to the roof on a trailer on the thruway by exit 24 this afternoon and then saw Elliot and his girlfriend (or sister?) at Target in Colonie
def my sister lol
por que no los dos
in schylerville it would be both lol
Saw Elliot in the Miata with his sister pulling off 9R.
Had a white Mazdaspeed 3 attempt to get me to roll race on 9 in CP. I wouldn’t acknowledge him and kept my conversation going inside the car like he was never there. I can’t stand people that think I am going to drop 3 gears in traffic, bring it up to 9000 RPM, for the 150’ in front of me.
Rolled next to Singh in the E30 on 9 from CP to Latham.
Saw a few other ricer machinos around too.
saw you and singh and dave while i was grabbing some coffee
I think everyone went outside and drove down route 9 at the same time lol
Gen 2 MS3? Pretty sure I saw that car driving like a dick by the mall up there a couple weeks ago haha. That’s the one thing I’m noticing I don’t like about my MS3. Too many people try to provoke me at really inappropriate times. Like the group of kids in an F150 on western in the rain last night. Then they took off at the light and almost drove into the back of a van pulling outta crossgates. At least it’s good for lots of LOLS.
Lol at my sig
It’s flawed. You love taking instead of receiving? Should be taking instead of giving.
Slowmarro must’ve spent a hour spell checking every word to make it that perfect.
And he still fucked up lol.
yes I am openly gay , please do not talk bad about homosexuals as it offends me deeply ! I was born this way and can’t help how I love taking instead of receiving. Unless your a mod, chances are I have fucked your girl.