SlowBoyRacing : The worst automotive experience I've ever had.

If i have to call every order because part of the order wasn’t there just to find out it was backordered and not marked on the slip as so or not told up front about it then it becomes a problem.

and no there are some parts that onlly they are dealing with.

this thread isn’t about back ordered parts… but here’s an idea… when you order something, don’t tell your customer it’ll be somewhere if you dont know… then miscommunications like this won’t happen, tell the customer you will check on availibility and get back to them… novel idea, huh?

i’m glad this was resolved… stay away from that place from now on.

don’t wanna sound all stupid but , there are times in my shop when i wanna pull out my hair, i get stuff mixed up and screwed up and i have to tell customers, hey its gonna take a little longer or something… but if it is something serious, i get it done no matter what, A couple of months ago, i did a engine rebuild in a 97 cobra, i forgot to tell the guy he will need to get his AC recharged, so the day i got the car all done he picks it up and takes it straight to North Carolina, well everything went great with the work i did, but he called me once he got there and asked why his ac didnt work, and it hit me i forgot to recharge it, so i told him i forgot to recharge it, i told him to just take it to the first shop he sees and get it fixed and i will pay the bill, so he did and and the f-ing bill was like 388$, so i paid it and all was well. Put it this way i got a christmas card from this guy and his family…

Now that’s a good business man. I know most people would’ve flipped when they got that bill. Hell most business’ wouldn’t have even said they would pay to get it recharged.

Big thumbs up to you man.

[QUOTE=hondalowlow;504942]i really like the full evo8 build they did and put it on the dyno and ran it with no oil in it. 15k into the engine and blew it due to no oil ever poured in. haha

This never happened, where did you hear that?

The only thing to EVER let go on the dyno while I was there was my own car lol.

Glad to see they got it taken care of for you Jessie :-).

TPG Tuning

i know the thread wasnt about backordered parts! we where just trying to put a little lite on the whole subject of dealing with shops.and as far as how rodeheaver handled the air problem i would say it was great that he offered to do that,but im sure he weas ripped off by the customer or the shop that charged the air if it was that much to do it. so its not always the customer that gets ripped off its also shops gettin ripped off also.

No excuse in the world will cover what they did to this guy. He delivered the block at the end of November and they jacked him off for a month and a half.
The only reason they paid him was because he was persistent and called them every couple of days. If he wouldn’t have kept calling they wouldn’t have ever paid him.

nobody ever said there was an excuse read the tread!

Good to see you’re still around

Yeah I read the posts and have been following it from the start…seems like you have a lot of answers on why they have JACKED THIS GUY OFF. Plain and simple thats what they did.

i never once said it was right what they did and i think i gave some imput on what shops go threw as far as costomers and shops also get ripped off.and my dealings with sbr. if i had went to sell something and the shop or person didnt pay me i would have taken it with me and brought it back another time when they could have paid me or checked it out and told me it was junk .why would you ever leave something without getting paid for it.

the answer why you would leave something is TRUST and i guess there is none now.lets be honest the world has changed you dont see much trust ,courtesy or respect anymore and its because stuff like this happens to the shops and the customers.but i can tell i give everyone a chance even if ive heard bad from someone but im just alittle more cautious with them.

take it easy fellas, i dont know the slowboy people but you have to understand, when you are running a “speed” or “performance shop” you dint get rich, you dont get famous and you totally dont please every customer, i am not tooting my own horn but i have customers tell me that they get ripped off everywhere they go except for at my shop… Even i get ripped off by parts suppliers, machine shops, etc, this is a bitch of a buisiness, people always think your rich because the bill is usually big, but let me tell you the parts are always 90% of the bill and we usually dont make nothing on parts, i think if you ask ANY race oriented shops they will agree that the performance end of things is really a hassle, we just do it because we think that maybe this customer will do somethin great with this car/engine/suspension/tranny/roll cage/tune, and tell their buddys about us and get us more buisiness… I had one instance were a customer took it opon himself to buy a DART block for his car i was building, now if you dont know a dart block is a great investment for any performance vehicle, well dart block need to be honed in a certain manner, they are made of super tough metal, and eat up normal hones, so i took the block to a local machine shop that said they had alot of experience with these blocks and they knew just how to treat it, so agoinst my better judgement i let them do the work, well let me just tell yah, they totally ruined the block, it was almost not salvageable, it will not be able to be rebored ever, the decks can never be resurfaced, they milled it way wrong and i am lucky i triple check everything especially the work that other shops do for me, so it was not my fault, not the customers fault, but the machine shops fault but i am held responsible, because i am the one overseeing everything with this vehicle… so what do i do, i have to buy a new 2300$ block for this customer and take the machine shop to court with hopes of getting my money back…

wow that sucks but off topic. I’ve heard nothing but good things from your shop and when i get the $$$ I’ll be down there to get my gears done.

There’s a big difference between what you’ve said in all your posts in this thread and where this thread is about - COMMUNICATION


ok so i think alot of us learned alot over this post and all of us are interested in the same thing cars,racing,and being able to get parts or sell parts without it becoming a hassle. and when can we do some racing? this cold weather just gets everyone down.

That may be the case, but you can’t dismiss the fact that Slowboy service is pathetic.

I am glad to hear that the situation is resolved, and you got your money for the block. It is too bad that it took so long and so much work on your part.

I am glad to hear that the situation is resolved,