SlowBoyRacing : The worst automotive experience I've ever had.


ive done alot of bus with sbr and turbo bike research and never had 1 problem.but i know mike his dad and brother very well but i would say if you had a problem like that you should have went to the shop asap and nipped it in the butt by demanding it taking care.maybe mike didnt know about it and a shop is run be his employees and that might have been the problem,no far as horror stories you will hear something bad about every shop in the world,just because people lie and dont tell the truth about the situation.when someone doesnt pay a for services done they make up some bs that they where ripped off or they didnt do what they where to do and on and on any shop will tell you some of the best lies they have heard.well atleast you got what you should have it just took way to long.but i dont know of any other shop buy that buy that stuff.

Bull-fucking-shit…reputation speaks volumes…for example, Rodeheaver’s has a great reputation; why? Because he’s probably never intentionally fucked someone over…seems to be the same way with the rest of the sponsors here (though admittedly I’ve only dealt with one).

All it takes is a few times, in my opinion, to ruin a shops reputation- and again, in my opinion, deservedly so. I don’t work my ass off for my money just to let some cockhole try to rip me off, so I won’t patronize a place with a bad rep, period.

Im with him him ^^^ there is just about a sponcer for each of my needs, and belive me I research who did what and when, and if i dont like what i hear i shop elsewhere, i rarely say something negative about another place unless i experienced it 1st hand, sometimes it aint about the wrong that was done that determines the reputation, but the right that followed the wrong to make it better, imo.

3 weeks for a check… psfft, sound like they were pushing him hoping hed let it go.

Coupe, did you look that over? is it paper or rubber composite?

in other words, Will it bounce?

Actually, it would be 6 weeks tomorrow total.

LMAO it has a watermark in it. I’d hope it’d clear :hsdance:

id go to the issuoing bank tomorow, or call to check funds availabilty… Sorry to hear you had so much trouble. that shit pissed me off ot was so hard not to post though it, but i wanted to see how it turned out 1st. Makes me remember to stay straight and clean, ansd in good with ppl who post on internet messageboards, lol

If i experienced everything i experienced with wrong parts being shipped, parts not being shipped that i have to call back just to hear “um…they should be there” or stuff being backordered and never telling me and i find out when shit just doesn’t show up - if that’s the “norm” then i’m never ordereing from shops again.

well i also say i never heard anything bad about any of the sponsored shops work either. but i have heard some bullshit on them just because of people being jealous.and i would love to see some of the people try to run a shop and see how it is to deal with the public.the next time you go to you favorite shop ask them if they have been ripped off by a customer all if you have a problem like not gettin payed for a part when you take it to them should have left with the part that way it doesnt become a problem like this sure it wasnt a money problem but they wanted the block checked out to see if it was good and it was just put on the back burner and that should have not been done and it should have been handled alot better on sbr part.

You obv dont’ order much from them.

do you?

i never said i did. read the post i said i did alot a bus with them and yes ive got parts from them without a problem and they have bought parts from me also.

i agreed with most of that,

pewter i would say most shops wouls agree with me on that one

about 7k total i think since 03

so you still deal with them?

sp if you spent that much you must have had some good dealings with them or you would have kept buying stuff

Some things they have the market on you can’t get elsewhere. other stuff was ok, too much of a headache lately, everything I’ve ordered was wrong, backorderd and never told, or they want pictures of things in an email of wrong parts. Too much hassle these days.

well i also know from being a shop owner sometimes ive ordered stuff and was never told from my distibutor that it was back ordered, and before i owned my own shop i would get pissed at the guy that owned the shop i delt with because my parts didnt come, but know i have better knowledge on how it works so it wasnt his fault it was the company he was getting it not saying people dont get ripped off sometimes ,im just trying to shed a little light on the subject.and it sucks when it this stuff happens.

and as far as getting parts up that way cant hybrid get that stuff for you.or some other shop up that way?

I’m not that big of an asshole; I understand that shops, like every human, make mistakes. However, when the mistake is not fixed in a reasonable time/manner, it becomes time to decide whether or not the shop is worth doing business with.

When there is a known pattern of such behavior, it makes people question the shop’s integrity.

It’s not that SBR didn’t have my block by the time specified - it’s that it was just about 6 weeks later. And this is not a backordered part, or a mixup and the wrong thing was sent, I was just forgotten about and put out of mind. And even when contacted, it was apparent that they were in no real rush anyways.

This is just bad business.