SlowBoyRacing : The worst automotive experience I've ever had.

An asshat I know works there, Gummi. I fuckin hate that kid. That place has been shady for a long ass time now, they just think they are top shit since they supply so much dsm shit.

yeah i also have heard alot of horror stories about them tool bags!

i hope everything works out for you man, i would take it to a magistrate now tho, im pretty sure it takes a few months to get all that done too, so the quicker the better bro! good luck, and fuck them shady ass tool bags!

haha u can get the same products from** nice try** at half the price and acually in stock and shipped the same week. i live in indiana and hear all kinda things about sbr and i really like the full evo8 build they did and put it on the dyno and ran it with no oil in it. 15k into the engine and blew it due to no oil ever poured in. haha

the old crew is all gon even the one from the begining, cragger. he just reciently left due to unknown reasons. the new kids are dushbags and dont know a whole lot except for taking credit card payments and your $.

ive heard alot of bad things about them and the only thing i had to buy there was a boost gauges and a banjo fitting for my 16g thats all and 20.00 for a fuckin banjo fitting. F that!.

um…cragger was hardly the OG member of SBR.

^ who gives a fuck?

I wouldn’t bother calling a lawyer in. Your going to spend more money on him/her than you will just taking a loss on the block.

I hope you get your money back. Don’t take no for an answer and don’t leave the store till you get your check. If they said your’s is in the mail just tell them to cancel that one and you’ll mail it back.


A close friend of the family is a lawyer, so I wouldn’t be very concerned with the cost, but it should be taken care of as of today.

I’ll update after I get back with my check.

Good luck

Good luck indeed; I have a motor to buy :bigok:

good luck

good luck man…

Good luck.


Update yet?



Picked it up a little later than I wanted (ended up being more busy today than I thought I’d be,) but I did receive it from Chris, and everything should be over as of now.

Did you get the check or the block?