so i just rev matched all the way home from work....

i noticed when i left the liquor store a few hours ago that my clutch petal felt a little soft. weird, i thought. the car is a pos (le cackord) so i thought nothing of it. next delivery i took, the clutch let out suuuuuper low. oh noes. i get back into the car after bringing some dude a pizza and the clutch petal has nothing at all. wont go in gear at all. so i start it in first and the car lurches forward, i give it gas, get it going, and rev match back to the pizza place.

my manager was nice enough to let me borrow her 88 mr2 sc to finish the night delivering (that car is super fun) and i limped her home on the backroads.

im thinking its the master or slave cylender, but would it slowly just crap out like that? i was under the impression it would have been more of a sudden clutch loss.

any ideas? anything in particular i should look at before i take it to don tomorrow?

thanks guys. oh and the car is a 92 honda accord lx.

That car has a hydraulic clutch?


try the slave, my buddy had an 81 prelude ( awesomest beater in the world) and the same exact thing happened. on that car, the slave is right up front literally took 2 minutes to swap out.

so the clutch is stuck to the floor? probably s master/slave cyl. Check both for leaking fluid.

my guess is that its the master. The reason why it wouldn’t go out suddenly is because with a slow leak, it needs some time to drain itself out.

good luck finding leaking fluid on that thing… lol


everything is still covered in mud too lol

poor don

Check around the clutch pedal if theres fluid running down the inner firewall. Change your clutch master.

you should be able to pick up a rebuild kit for the slave pretty cheep

they typically leak from master to inside the firewall. just keep filling it with fluid, shit’ll be fiiiine.

  1. jam, you should always be rev matching anyway…

  2. it should be fairly easy to see if it’s the slave cylinder, you can peel the boot back and check for fluid, if not, it’s probably the master cylinder…

  3. does the car have a clutch damper?

Jam is so full of anger, he drives the accord around and stomps on flowers…

Check the clutch fork as well, that was my problem on my honda.

Most clutch pedal assemblies have a helper spring that pushes against you half way down and then pushes with you against the clutch for the second half of its travel. If the pedal is pinned to the firewall and needs to be lifted manually, you have that spring. They come in handy for bleeding the system, you can do it by yourself.

I also highly doubt your master went, they’re not exposed to the elements like the slave is. Think about it, when was the last time you heard of someones brake master going? Now when was the last time you heard of someones calipers freezing up? Exactly. They’re both hydraulic systems, they use the exact same components and even the same fluid. Slaves go all of the time.

I have owned multiple cars that needed brake master cylinders and/or clutch master cylinders replaced.

I’ll put $ on a broken line. To me, it sounds like the fluid was leaking out slowly causing the pedal to engage lower and lower…

Sounds like a serious issue with your petals and cylenders to me.