So the car was broken into last night

Web cam isn’t going to get you much if its dark out…

If you get one that can capture good images at night its going to be $$$

u are retarded, he is a contractor. there is no way he is going to load and unload his truck everytime he parks somewhere let alone at home. your an idiot.

Sorry joe, that blows. post up pics of anything that was stole NYSPEED has caught thieves before. let me know if i can do anything. I am also going to install the motion lights at my house. I dont trust any of the ghetto kids that walk down the sidewalks

to make sure that you insurance deductible gets fully refunded?

don’t forget the Picasso in the trunk.

My car was broken into last month and it was a horrible feeling even though I didn’t lose anything besides a couple lighters. Times are a a hurtin’ and you can’t trust anyone, keep your valuables locked up/close to you.


And I wasn’t referring to him so stop being a faggot. Not to mention I obviously have no idea what he does for a living. He already stated that his truck was fine and it was someone else that left all of that shit in the car.

damn joe that sucks. I had my focus broken(stole my Kenwood flipout) into a few months back while in lancaster.

It seems like all I see on car forums are ___ got stolen posts. F*ck thieves.

try pm’ing bacon. he used to work for a complany that did security equipment. maybe he will have some useful information to add to this conversation.

What does a contractor have to do with not unloading your laptop, cell phone, and cash out of your car?"

Well, if he’s a contractor living in a neighborhood with a lot of vehicle break-ins he might want to start taking the time to unload the stuff, or park the truck in a locked garage.

And unloading a laptop, cell phone, GPS and cash is hardly a lot of work like unloading a bunch of heavy tools.

Sucks Joe…

But, srsly. Don’t leave that shit unattended.

Yeah that sucks. Theives need to burn.

But yes lock up that shit.

I’m just going to state the obvious… I think it has been said quite a few times that it WASN’T his truck that got broken into and had stuff stolen from. He said he learn his lesson and that it was someone elses vehicle. His vehicle was just damaged.
Please correct me if I’m wrong though.

I live in the same area, and my aunt and uncle live 2 blocks over. I remember someone breaking into my cousins car a few years back to steal textbooks and papers for school.

It’s really hard for me to feel sorry for someone that leaves this much shit in an unlocked car. I leave my car unlocked but the only thing they’re going to get is my radio because I’m not stupid enough to leave all that shit in the car in the first place.

Most car insurance does not cover personal items in the vehicle, but homeowners/renters might, depending on his policy.

And then do what with the footage? I have a feeling the cops are just going to tell you to start locking your vehicles if you have complaints about some shadowy figure in the night simply opening the doors and extracting valuable items. It’s equivalent to setting your laptop outside just on your driveway. I hope to goodness the police have better things to do than follow up on a case like this.

Yes, you apparently do need the lecture. Cars and homes are safer when you lock the doors, instead of just inviting a burglar right in. If you can’t logically understand that, then this is pure darwinism. I’d bet money that these thieves will be revisiting to check if your cars are still unlocked down the road.

locks are only good for keeping honest people honest.

shitty luck on this being the second time though.

There’s really no safe neighborhood. Some are better than others but nowhere is going to be perfect. There’s assholes everywhere you go. Still shitty to hear it happened.

Silver, What the fuck do you not understand about it was not my car. If you can’t logically understand that I think someone needs to go back to school. I posted this to just report on something that happened, and asked for some suggestions on a camera. I’m not asking for sympathy.

Can a mod just lock this thread? I forgot that everyone on NYspeed is perfect.

You said this wasn’t the first time cars had been broken into at your place + you implied very heavily that you don’t see the harm in not locking your car. BTW, You need to treat the disease, not the symptom.