SOHC KA-t. I've decided.

So insted of doing a fancy pants SR20 swap come spring… I’ve decided to rebuild my SOHC and slap some FI to it.
From what i’m researching on the SOHC, it’s a little more reliable than the ka24de at idol and other small reasons… mostly for the impressive torque it has produced on some test/projects i’ve been following online…

I’ve made up my mind, and there’s no convincing otherwise…that being said. Can anyone recomend a good KA-t builder/shop.

I have a few options in kingston and a few in Ottawa, but if someone here knows of anyone worth mentioning… I’d like to get started.

Here’s a pic of her…

What kind of turbo where you thinking and how much hp where u hoping for?
Good luck with the build up.

SOHC and CA18DET have some interchangable parts by the way

have you looked at my website?

that would be a good start on parts and such

i can also port your head and have cam reccomendations


Adam weren’t you selling some of your gear at one point also?

Thanks guys…

I have no clue on what turbo yet…

either a nice DSM 14g 16g. there are a little smaller, or just go with the recomended T3.

It really depends on what deal i find, at the right time…
I goal is (but whos ever happy with hitting their goal?) 300whp.

It’s good to know CA18 and SOHC have some interchangeble parts…

and Adam i will definatly check out your site…and maybe you can tell me more on what you can do to the engine for me…

Thanks guys

yeah i have some stuff …

cams…wastegate…some other stuff…

those DSM turbos will choke your motor…MIN you need a t3 with good sized turbine and compressor…

adam, i read alot on your site…

very very nice. alot of inventive/original ideas that i haven’t seen done before…

Do you have a shop, or are you just a super do it yourselfer?

a shop that does a few things…

roll cages, and head porting…see link

yeah thats what racing tends to create is alot of ideas not done before out of nead or trying to fix failures on the track

So do cams really make a huge difference in a turbo car?

I have been thinking of upgrading my stock s14 cams to an S13 248/248 dual exaust cam setup.


yes they make a huge difference…though they have to be specifically for a turbo application…they cant be NA cams or you get blow thru


I agree with Adam. The 14b is too small for a 2.4. I think a 50trim T4 would be fine…who needs boost below 3grand anyway.

If you add up all the money your going to spend on this project you I can almost gaurantee you that you could do an SR20DET swap and push more then 300 HP. I have a SOHC too and I looked into doing the same thing and when I looked over the numbers it just wasn’t worth it. Personally I prefer a SOHC turbo too just to be different but financially and best bang for the buck a SR20DET makes more sence. Let us know how your project goes I would be really interested in seeing how it comes along and I would like to know how much money you will have put into it after it’s all complete and how much HP you got. Let us know. Im glad your are actualy taking that route I would realy like to see how it turns out for you. Good luck man!

sr20det would be cheaper i agree

but a built up sohc is hard to beat with its torque :slight_smile:

I have actualy talked to some guys from JPN who are impressed with KA24DE-T and E-T performance. The SR is still the aftermarket leader but more and more KA’s are the easy choice. I myself will be going KA24DET when I get some extra cash together.

KA-T fan here too.

With my car, I’m looking for a solution that will provide OVER 300whp daily driven without too much money spent. From chatting with s14_2nv, I think KA-T is the best solution in that specific case.


i hope you pay someone to build it

Ya, I`m still looking into it.

But i did come across this thread…

Jordan Gladman built up a VERY budget turbo system for a VERY high millage 240sx. He did end up blowing the engine, but he expected that…

260+kms, 10 lbs of boost for 2 month. NO INTERNALS, NO fuel management.

I`m thinking of doing this…then rebuilding after she goes, and doing it right…and whos to say @ 7-8 psi, it *could hold out indefinatly…or till im bored.

Adam, what would it cost for you to do some rebuilding?