SON BBQ / Spring Meet

k i added a poll

i guess its official or something

What about getting a shop to host it? Maybe couple it with a dyno day or something like that, so they’re getting something out of it, and they can hook us all up with free food. That’s usually FTW, no?

Someone let me tag along for the cruise! I’ll cover gas!

I am Carless… :frowning:

ima chef i oun a catering company i can arrange for the food bun hot dogs i can bring bbq chicken an some pork mmmmmmm if in the gta lol

wasaga would be far for some drivers no ? I’d say Sauga/Toronto would be ideal there kinda in the middle and around 1st week of May. since theres already may 24

the lkeshore in oakville is ok… not much parking tho. and it kinda stinks there haha

i put i poll up earlier and it seems people wanted wasaga cruise and paintball

ill go wassaga ect… but having a bbq in a parkinglot = mad gehy. im not down for that… sorry guys.

lol i would be down for a small bbq on my deck but its only good for 10 ppl and its in ptbo

Centennial park - Etobicoke

GPK or Wasaga seems the best bet so far. I’m down for either. Probably rather go to wasaga. I love cruises.

looks like wasaga it is. when ppl??

beer funnels alowed?

Everybody get your ticket fighting faces on.

count me in, wherever it ends up happening.

lol we never got tickets down there we just let osad go the fastest in his bright yeller car lol

I’ve gotten tickets in my moms automatic PURPLE neon…

Wasaga cops will do whatever whenever.

lol, dayum^

Is there an official date set yet? Or am I just blind and missed it? :S

Ok first off… no Wasaga BS

thats way to fucking far

its just going to complicate everything

unless someone here as a super baller house with tons of parking and a giant back yard then i think GPK is by far the best location for this shit to go down.

honestly… im not on here for a day and people manage to fucking complicate a simple idea

holy fuck

i agree with briggs, people will always say wasaga yaaa, then the day comes and no one can go. I also think that gpk would probably be the best/most reasonable place to hold something like this. Also they have a bar!