SON BBQ / Spring Meet

briggs does have a point but if there is a group that want to go to wasaga closer to the summer months once it is hotter out. then i think wasaga is still a good idea personally for a small meet, for the few that want to go like me
i just want to cruise beach area 1 with the boys from son lol and allow everyone the privilage of seeing our cars lol mine might be a diamond in the rough but it isnt a ricer lol like most vehicles i seee there

GPK GPK GPK, and to fight a ticket so far sucks, just cause ppl wanted to cruise near a beach!


its more logisitcally sound too, i mean this was originally a suggest for a barbeque, now some are suggesting a cruise, soon this will prolly end up being like a crusade for the holy grail -_-

anywho, everyone knows where GPK is and if not, its not the hardest place to find haha. Im sure Osad’s boss wont mind us there either, SGR has drivers introductory courses there all the time, So OSAD, Talk to your Boss!!!

Where is GPK?

Near downsview subway station IIRC. I went paintballing at Area51 right next to there.

I will speak with him tonight if I have the chance.

If the GPK thing doesn’t fall through, it’s either Wasaga or simplistically without a cruise, just a good ole fashioned bbq and meet @ Earl Bales Park!! haha come on!

Downsview Park. Keele and Sheppard/Allen and Sheppard. 5 Min from the 401.

ok so well do karting then later on in the season ill make a wasaga cruise so we still thinking early may?

hell i’m up for where ever. i live in london so i can pick up geulph boys along the way lol

k Osad talk to ur boss

Lets plan this for a Sunday Afternoon in May

preferably earlier in may (weather permitting)

also, ask if we are allowed to set up some speakers or something to have a lil music playing

*vote change from Wasaga to GPK

It was never at wasaga

thats just some people babblin on about a bad idea

ps. was it you i sold the KA to? if it was, hows that workin out for ya?

^ Na, that was me. Haven’t installed it yet… my engine and tranny work fine, so your old one is kind of like an insurance policy I guess. I’m saving it for a turbo build.

asctually i want to clear some shit up…

wasaga is NOT a bad idea.

so im not bashing whoever came up with that idea

its a cool idea.

it just was not what I was thinking for THIS meet/bbq

i want this to be more local so more people can come

it would be cool if everyone could make it out

and everyone had to sign in to BING or someone at a desk and get a name tag that has their SON username written on it

oh cool.

right on man

No sign ins. Fuck that.

Come out. Wash your dirty bitch. And don’t forget your car :wink:

I think everyone should have to wear something that says their username.