sooooo.... [caught doing donuts: legal trouble]

i didnt even think the s2k had a motor in feb?

Maybe you should stop using your dads car. You seem to ruin things, A LOT


ya, lol.
tell them you’ll fix only what you did :stuck_out_tongue:

Or if you end up clear coating it, make sure you “forget” to coat a part of it that resembles a parking lot wide penis.
I’m not sure if that would end up showing up or not, but I sure hope so.
Then I’ll fly overhead and take pics! yay.

I say we get some courageous NYSPEEDers to go to that lot some dark night with garbage bags over their license plates and really go to town on that parking lot. That’ll teach them to mess with us! Viva la resistance!!

And to the poor sucker who got caught: Bite the bullet and hire a lawyer. It’ll be cheaper in the long run.

if worse comes to worse pressure wash the rubber marks off

if the lot was recently sealed… that will make for a funny looking lot.