sooooo.... [caught doing donuts: legal trouble]

v tec power probably ripped the shit out of that lot…!

They’re probably just pissed at all the oil and crankcase shrapnel all over the lot. :io:

I vote post the location so others can leave them some nice patches.

Considering he did it in Feb, with the top down, I doubt it’s anywhere near here.

Oh. That’s my Downs kickin’ in.:mamoru:

He said it was in SEPA. (assumed southeast pennsylvania)


if it was on snow/ice and not dry pavment i dont see how there is damage done

go there and see if you can see tire marks or ruining of the paint. if so well then maybe but if not then they are trying to just get cash monies

It would have to be at least 130f degrees to damage asphalt with the S2000. lol

No way in hell an S2000 did any damage to a parking lot from donuts. At most, it stripped some paint and left some rubber on the surface.

If this business is legitimately going after you to pay for the resealing of the lot, they are looking to make a quick buck and cut their costs.

If this happened to me I’d LoL.

If a cop came to me and said something I’d :lol: at him.

I’d call the business owner myself and tell him to STFU because he is being a scumbag.

If they pursued it anymore I’d tell them to suck on my sweaty nuts and to take me to court. $4500 is small claims isn’t it?

Take a picture of some of the employees and photo shop them doing donuts in your car. Then ask for them all to pay for part of it.

“You’ve all seen Jurassic Park haven’t you? Well do you seriously think real live dinosaurs exist? This video was fabricated by a poor failing business owner in a depression in order to save his piece of shit company.”

i blow donuts all the time in my s2k and i never leave any marks :frowning:

It’s exactly the same as spray painting graffiti on the side of a building, not a hard concept to grasp.

meh, only if the spraypaint is water based/washable

yea, tell them S2Ks have no TQ so clearly they are lying.

New to tire marks? Most of the time they don’t wash up, they have to be burned to remove the tire, which in commercial asphalt usually damages the top coat. A business owner that doesn’t want his lot to look like shit? There’s a surprise.

ya, get a lawyer. There was never police called and no police report filed. With the right lawyer they wont get you for nothin…

for once in my entire existence i agree with you:banghead:

I totally get that Mike but how did he “ruin” 33,000 sq/ft? lol.
He must have been on a mission. lol

I was debating opening this at work because I thought the op was ‘doing’ doughnuts and got caught… :eekdance:

This thread is priceless.

I would say that your gonna pay a few bucks, any way you go about this. I would say that you need to go examine the said lot, with a camera and see if there is any damage. I bet someone else tore it up with studded snow tires, and you are the only one that they could read the plate on. Your pretty fucked. Hope it was fun.