speeding ticket help

what about york region coppers? they use impalas and some other ford, is that also a crown victora?

That appointment is to try to save court costs by having you plea down earlier. I’ve never heard of them dropping to a non moving violation in ontario, but I haven’t looked it up either.

He or she (the prosecutor) will probably do the same thing at trial. If you agree to the plea bargain at the meeting, you just lost the chance you had to get off, which is the cop not showing up at trial.

The Implalas are like 180hp or something, cop cars suck ass in Montreal. Texas has like 300hp Cop Camaros and Mustangs, we got shit-all, so never stop!! lol

i’m pretty sure cop cars are not runnign with 180hp under the hood. i heard somewhere that the fords in t.o were running 300?

hahaha… old crown victora with twin turbo… and after 3 years some indian dude will drive it as a taxi. lol

Wow, I can’t believe people are seriously advocating running from the police.
Sasha ended up losing his licence for a year or something like that. It’s not a smart thing to do.
The only way I’d ever run, is if it was the highway, at night, and I was already doing like 180ish when they clocked me. During the day… fuck no. Small streets… are you retarded? Doing like 130 ish… WHY??? Just pull over and try to argue your way out of it.


These comments are uber helpful to this gentleman, I’m sure.

Stop posting stupid shit.

2006 Police Crown Vics have 250hp, I stated it earlier, it’s taken off their website.

The 2006+ Police Impalas have 233hp. The 2005 and earlier Police Impalas have 200hp.

For the record, I never said anything about fleeing in the city, what kind of an idiot gets a speeding ticket on small streets anyways? I meant on the highway.

The New OPP Chargers have 425hp, the city chargers only have 250hp haha in-case anyone was interested.

Actually it’s 340hp for the Hemi Cop cars…

you guys are fucking idiots.
