SPL vs Bings vs Meagan multilink

Some of the components on my multi-link arms are bought from the us, rod ends, jam nuts, etc.

Everything else is machined in St. Catharines by a fabrication facility that does work for a variety of industries but mostly motorsports (Bicknell Racing Products primarily)

Off the top of my head i cant tell you who is running my stuff in DMCC this year. I used to supply Robert Ricci, Haig Kanadjain, JF Chaisson, Kevin Grenier in QC and half a dozen guys in DMCC west more recently.

Okay. Look here.
Most of you know I mashed my S13 into the tire barrier at Shanny last year.
Remember it was a direct hit to drivers rear tire?
Yeah, well. My multi link is perfectly fine.
Installing and adjusting Bing’s arms was a damn breeze.

TBH, the only negative thing I can possibly think of. Is that there are no boots over the heim’s in the rear multi link (like TC rods) to cover to joint.

I just remembered as well. My RUCA’s smashed off my frame a couple dozen times as I went off roading. My frame is nice and smoothy round. My RUCA’s? Not even scratched paint!
Being that the prices are competitive and 90% made in Canada. Why the hell not buy from Bing?

There…that’s my $0.02

when i get the money ill be buying bings

yea chris you bring up a good point… something Ive noticed about PBM stuff which are now using dust shields which is why Im leaning towards getting all PBM… other than that I would for sure get bings stuff. Its local. Its awesome. and the price is right


reason there is no boots on my rod ends is because the rod ends are low misalignment, self-sealing. The rod ends were initially intended for dirt track cars or similar. The high misalignment stuff was never intended to be used like we do on our cars, especially in Canada.

the boots are only used for cheaper, high misalignment rod ends that are not sealed.

The rod ends i use CAN get squeaky (if you drive through winter), but you can spray them down to get rid of the noise…

That said, i do not recall ever having to warranty a rod end… only really the brackets on the toe and traction arms for the gen 1 / gen 2 stuff.

awesome… good info right their bing… Im in NEED of RUCAs and toe tho pretty bad… might justhave to rip up and grab some… you have stock?

Bing. I was not in any way complaining at all.

Just stating, that to a random guy looking through your stuff. Regardless of reason. Seals…well they always look pro. You know?

But yes, I spray my heim’s every oil change or so with white grease just for good measure. I also wipe everything down (threads) so dirt does not jam up the threads to to much.

The multi-link is seriously top notch.

If your ballin little mofo. Then get the best of the best…why not? But honestly. Bing’s ML is the way to go. by a long shot. Support Canada foo’s!

BTW…are you saying your TC rods are cheap high miss-alignment stuff? :frowning:

my megans have never left be stranded at the track with a defect in product

lol… i provide Seals-It rod end seals for the TC rods… gotcha…:slight_smile:

I have 2 sets of each in stock right now… there will be a short delay on the RUCA when i sell out because i was late to reorder… i’ve past my reorder point already and should sell out within a week or so.

so there will be a couple weeks gap of back order on the RUCA soon.

Toe and Traction arms i am good for for a bit… but i’m running low on rod ends and am ordering late right now because it hasnt really picked up for the season yet.

Yea I hate when people talk shit… has anyone here actually encountered a problem with Megans multilink? No… than don’t say shit because a lot of people run them and don’t have problems…

^ ditto. After all the shit i’ve pulled, on and off track. My suspension (all megan) never gave me any problems.