srteet racing law now in full efect

The cop who gave me a careless driving ticket just got out of an assult charge for beating a drunken kid to near death at TJ’s Hanger in Orangeville, leaving the station un attended, swearing at minors, and some other stuff, he got 6 days suspended pay.

I think you missed the part where we shook hands, after he told me he lied in his notes.

Thats a perfect solution… Damn you’re smart.

this is what should scare people the most. for example:

a 25 yr old is caught doing 150km on the 407 in his Camry at about 12am. he is
wearing a suit and says he is coming from a business dinner. cop asks him if he
has been drinking, tells him to chose opion 3 on the ticket and sends him on his

a 25yr old is caught doing 150km on the 407 in his Civic(riced out) at about
12am. he is dressed down and says he is coming from his grilfreinds house. cop
says “its guys like you that make the streets unsafe”, and proceeds to take his car
and licence so he can feel like he is making a difference.

point i am tring to make is this law will target drivers on what kind of car they drive.
not how they drive it. profiling at its finest.


Like I said…

Don’t go 150 and you won’t get in trouble at ALL.

we fit the profile of street racers, doesn’t matter if u do it or not… in the end your going to have to deal with the shit. I drive a black 01 honda accord coupe with 19’s and a body kit, cops love me. So all i can do is not speed, drive perfect, and make sure everything on my car is legit.

So just don’t be stupid and contribute to the problem…
do ur best to stay out of trouble.
profiling happens no matter what ur doing, thats the problem of profiling.

Maybe you just don’t understand what profiling is?

Of course I do.

If you look like a punk, chances are you’re a punk. It makes sense to me. Everybody does it, you can’t say all cops are assholes because they profile you based on the car you drive.

Guess what? Most people who have riced out cars ARE idiots and DO street race (or at least drive like retards). Like NoSkillz said, if we want to modify our cars that is OUR choice, therefore we will be profiled as people who street race, whether we do it or not.

All we can do is drive safe, and do our best to show that we aren’t part of the problem.

So accoring to what you just wrote its right for police to profile black people and give them a harder time than white people.

Accoring to what you said I should of had a cop follow me and check my plates then pull me over last weekend to makesure “everything was ok” rather than have them do such a “radom check” on any other of the countless normal cars driving around with people with no licences, no insurance, high, but because they dont drive a non normal looking car they never get pulled over.


I’m not saying it’s right, I’m saying I don’t blame them.

The human mind is designed to believe that, given a similar situation, the result this time will be similar to the result from last time. It’s called experience. It doesn’t -always- lead you to be correct, but in most cases it will… and that’s why we do it.
Cops pretty much use the same logic, some will be more aggressive than others, but you have no control over that.

It isn’t fair but there isn’t anything you can do about it, so why even bother complaining? You’re just wasting your time…

The Fun of 2 People at the cost of many, Simple enough said.

CloudZero is right though Profiling will happen. its just identifying what your mind picks up as out of place.

So let them profile you all they want. If you arent doing something wrong then you have nothing to fear. worst case scenario like CloudZero’s is u get a ticket for some nonsense broken law where you go to court and fight it. remember we’re innocent until proven guilty so why admit to the guilt when you’re doing nothing wrong? plus if a cop asks if he can look in your car, you can deny him on the basis that you’ve done nothing wrong and usually the cop will be ok with it.

its a stupid law though i have to agree, but i’ll admit its somewhat necessary cuz all those civic drivers make people who want to enjoy their cars look bad. Got a need for speed? take it to a track.


‘all those civic drivers’

right there you are profiling…

profiling should not, under any circumstance, be condoned or allowed to happen.

street racing is dumb. if you do it, you should accept the consequences. people who truly endanger the lives of others should have the book thrown at them.

giving police more unchecked/unbalanced power is not going to prevent much. it will just increase the potential for abuse… and it’s not like police abuse of power is low to start with.

My bad

Profiling cant be stopped though, its human nature. Plainly speaking its an assumption based on suspicion (sp?). if you look at some kid in a Beemer, Wouldnt you assume that he’s rich? or comes from an affluent family?

we cant stop the profiling sadly said

im 21 years old, always dress down, own a multi colored turbocharged car that is very loud and low. I disobey the speed limits in large numbers daily. I have been driving for almost 7 years. I have never been pulled over, no tickets, not even a parking ticket. why? because there is a time and place for everything. If you get that ticket and get that conviction, then you diserve it.

^^^ HA…your one lucky guy… and smart for lookin for cops and knowing the time and place do this. Like me

All I can say is oh great, better put my lawyer on retainer now. Not that I street race, but I do get my share of bogus tickets.

Like for example I got pulled over 4 days in a row, but on the 3rd day I forgot to put my ins.slip back in the centre console and subsequently got a fail to have ins. card ticket. No tickets the previous 3 days, just the forth.

I have also been pulled over more than 3 times for;
“opps I must have typed in the wrong plate # and it came back stolen”
and my other favourite (at least a 1/2 dozen times)
“your vehicle matches the description of a suspsicous vehicle seen in the area”

just dont street race… track your shit if you feel you need to impress people on the street lol

beating a fully built car on the street means nothing especially when i know all of us have seen the turbocharged this that or the other that runs like shit… lots of turbo cars are in the 14s and even 15s… and racing the loud rice at the races isnt amazing anywhoo, get some good numbers goin at the track and find somone in your class or time category… ask him to race… ? i dont know, ive always thought street racing was stupid… fun to watch… not participate lol… dont even bring a licence if your going to street race… fuck lol

the thing is all the cops in the GTA have had a history with pulling over young kids speeding, with their cars modded and shit. So obviously every modded car any cop sees, they will be suspicious, and stare you down like a hawk, its like their just out to GET us. even if we DONT and DIDNT do anything wrong, they just hate young kids so much

this law is bullshit, its true they should be spending their money and time and investigations on more serious shit in the GTA like for example taking away old peoples licenses, and impoundiing THEIR cars for reckless driving. they cause more accidents which kill more people on the road than any of this racing CRAp

fuck all the cops in the world.

What’s wrong with cop’s pulling over kids speeding in modded cars? New’s flash kiddo, there’s nothing wrong with it.

i say hi everytime a cop stares at me rudley i dotn give a fuck im doin nothting wrong so why do i have to hide or avoide them. if ur all legit and dont drive liek a fuckin idiot ull be ok.

lol smile and wave at them, the main thing they can get me for is exhaust. but without a mobile emmisions unit there, they cant tell if the cat has its meow in it or if its been gutted

it does seem as tho now that you get a car modded, when you drive around its almost as if your the bad guy for nothing. i sometimes watch cops hang u turns just before i get home. then i pull in my friends driveway about 15 houses away from mine and watch them drive slow.

FUCK peel police btw. they have nothing better to do in the Peel halton,miss,and whatnot area. not like there is huge roberys or stabbings. then they resort to other things. Also known as a car doing a perfect 4k under speed limit at 2000 rpm in 4th gear making no noise.

unless your driving in another white impala with steelies or a now new charger(peel) with steelies or hubbies your gunna get the hawk eye