Stunt Driving?

I know its true seeing as how i’ve gone through alot of this.
But besides that, think about it…

Its contradictory to himself…hes lieing (if your telling the truth). Catch him in his lie (if the storys true) and it he won’t stand a chance in court.

you need to seriously look at your ticket/ summons, I’m 100% certain he did not charge you with street racing, I’m willing to bet it says something like “Stunt driving by way of …”

BTW THANKS EVERYONE who cares to give me good advice.
So … anyone know any good lawyers who can take care of this properly? Is there ANY WAY I can cut short of the impound and license suspension?

No, the fees you’ve paid are far long my friend.
How much were the fee’s btw?

I payed $703 (including taxes) after the week was said and done.

If your telling the truth you need to document this ASAP, times and dates, names and badges, and file for full disclouser of his notes and files etc… This is info you need, you can win but you need to act fast otherwise they will use that against you

Yeah, if you’re telling the truth, you need to do your research and work your ass off to get the truth out. Anything that raises reasonable doubt.

However, in the off chance you’re lying, you don’t have a case whatsoever. Just get a lawyer and hope it gets dropped to a lower charge.

It’s sad to say but if you were far from the impound lot then they will take you too the cleaners on towing, and the impound fee is between $60-100 a day… you will not get this back or reduced, keep in mind a good lawyer (not a paralegal) is around $800-1000 if they know they have to argue the charter, but if your telling the truth and you document all of the events and bring them to a lawyer I think you stand a good chance to not have to fight the charter or even take it that far.

I don’t understand how, because of our rights, a lawyer couldn’t argue that

A) Since you were NOT given your right “innocent until proven guilty”


B) You were since proven innocent as opposed to guilty (say your ticket is dropped completely)

you get all your money back that was caused by a shitty law that breaks your rights in half and then, on top of that, get proven INNOCENT yet you’re STILL punished for…


If I were stuck with this shit, I would have the lawyer beat the shit out of the case until I got SOMETHING back from that. The logic is too plain for a court to say “lol not giving you anything”.

You make sense jpod, it’s stupid… it goes against the charter but yet they can keep our money… it’s obvious what is important

Exactly, if something has been said in a previous post, why would you continue to say it again…and again? He has admitted his faults in the situation. Criticism is not helpful unless it is constructive. If you’ve posted just to rant, or point out the idiocy of his actions, you’re not far above his situation.

THANK YOU for the good advice!!!
I wasn’t speeding… But the cop never said anything about speed… or noise… I didn’t get speeding charges either.
Shit… when they handed me the pink slips and told me to sign, I was so freaked out I don’t even remember where I passed the van anymore… shit. All I remember was that I drove for like a minute before I got pulled over… Got to make notes right now…

After reading this why did you sign these pink papers the cop is fucking with you (fuckin dirty pigs) if you did’nt sign those papers they cannot take your car away. You should have told him to suck a dick and that you will get the car towed on your own to your house because it might be unsafe to drive but you did nothing illeagal because for all they know your wipers could have been stolen in a parking lot and horn fuse could have went out on its own. On these papers he gave you to sign what did it exactly say, because if it says anything to you agreeing to having your car towed and taken away because of stunt driving than I dunno but I think you might be in some serious shit. Either way fucking rape this cop in court and make sure if you are proven innocent you ask for all the money they have taken for all your time and stress. Cops these days are bunch of fucking dumb dick riding faggots they test your intelligence in the law and your rights everytime you come in contact with them, I myself have had alot of incomings with cops that now i know how to handle them because they are not smart at all …if they were smart they would’nt be a bitch who goes around looking for people doing pety crimes they would be sargeant or something higher up.

Anyways Goodluck!

On my license suspension notice it says:
… was notified of his/her suspension “STUNT DRIVING” reason “RACING”.

Shit… $703… is that just impounding fee and tow truck alone?
I also heard that it cost $200 to reinstate the driver license…

I think the legislators r trying to generate revenue for their friends and allies. This is pure robbery. Any cop can be in a bad mood, pull someone over for nothing, and fu(k them over just cause they feel like it. They might as well ditch the court system and use the system protrayed in Judge Dread, that ghetto 90s stallone movie.

When I got my careless driving charge, the cop (on the court date) full-out privately admitted to my lawyer that he knew it wasn’t careless driving, he “just wanted to prove a point” so it’s very possible he’s a jerk.

The pink paper I had to sign pretty much says “We hereby notify u that ur license is now suspended because of Stunt Driving and Racing. Know it.”
The other pink slip pretty much says that “We got your car, its in this pound. HA HA”.
You’re right… I should have stood my ground… I should not have let them do anything until I get my lawyer present. Shit. I was so shocked when they ambushed me with this tho… i.e. saying they let me go and then handing me pink papers… it felt like the cop pistol whipped across the side of my skull… i felt all dizzy and unable to think.

We should all know that… and whoever don’t realize, should really try to learn from my mistake. ITS STUPID TO COORPORATE WITH THE POLICE WHEN THE SITUATION IS SERIOUS. It only leads to getting more fu(ked. I’d like to see u guys try to disagree with me.

I always thought that the best way to deal with cops is to be courtious… it had worked in the past, but I haven’t been pulled over for the last several years, and as I said my record is now cleaned. No tickets last 5 yrs. And so, inexperience takes its toll. :frowning:

Thats horrible. And now with the new laws the cops has so much more power. Honestly, there r some cops who r so stupid and ghetto, and have the mind of a thug. Thats why our constitution was created, in order to have a fair system.

These new laws r just fu(ked. It gives any cop the power to make someone pay up $1000+ immediately just because they feel like it.

THANK YOU to all the ones who cares to give me advice!! I really appreciate it!

And TO ALL THE HATERS: many of u veterans in this club. I know some of u veterans had been complaining for years about how SON is becoming like the Civic club… And now you know why? Just look at the way u guys post!!

sucks to hear this happened, its happening all too often now with these new laws
just wondering where did this happen, major intersection?
imo, fight it, you are definitely going to lose money but u can somewhat salvage the situation
i know another member on here going through the same thing, ill pm u his username and hopefully he can help u out
but here’s the best outcome, u have to pay the impound fees, and the lawyer fees, and u get charged with a lesser offence
this might redeem ur driving record but like i said, best case scenario