"Suspiscion of street racing" bill back on docket

Yes sir, the bill that allows the police to impound cars for suspiscion of street racing is being brought up yet again. It didn’t pass last time, so I don’t think it will pass this time either. But yet I still have my concerns.

It’s completely a Charter of rights infringment… any cop who pull this out of his pocket without SOLID proof, like video tape or eye witness’s, but based purely on what he thinks by how you or your car looks… is going to be into a Charter of rights infringement trial… ( so says a PHd. of Poly Sci. who’s specialty is the charter of rights. )

yeah it totally goes against ch 7 and 15 and, to a lesser extent, chs 8 and 9

For once the law is on the good side :slight_smile:

Well, I feel a little bit better with the above information. Lets hope nothing happens of it and we wont have to bring any of that stuff to court.

I’m not insensitive, just busy and lazy,

But this likely all stems from this lady who’s on a crusade to end street racing. Her kid was mowed down as a pedestrian by someone speeding.

No, I don’t think they were racing anyone, or that the car was modified, but she’s actually walking from … uhh … Kitchener I think, all the way to Parliament Hill to get the government to “do something about this menace” that wasn’t responsible for her son’s death, or even exists anywhere outside of TV.

Have a look at this (and the linked) CityNews article(s):

“…sports-type cars, Honda motor vehicles…”

“The wake-up call that nobody wanted came fast and furious at the beginning of the New Year.”

“…a new movie aimed straight at teens called ‘Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift’. It introduces the new practice called ‘drifting’…”

“You get into the zone, where it’s just you and your car, the road,” he explains. “You don’t notice what’s in front of you, you don’t notice what’s behind you. You just go and you just push it to the limit.”

“It’s wild cause you can lose control in an instant and it would be over,” admits Ayube.

Love how the people they find speak for 1% of car enthusiasts, thanks for doing that pal.


how ironic would it be that while she was waking to parliament hill, two racers go flying by and one mowes her down?

huh huh?

wouldnt help the tuners cause much, but the irony…oh so rich

The bill will not pass as it is currently being put before parliment. Suspiscion is to loose of a term and would cause a nightmare for the legal system (which already is having a hard enought time keeping up with the case load). If you get caught street racing in the act then thats your own choice and you know that you will be not driving for a long while. A cop cannot pull you over and say you look like the type that would be street racing today so I am going to just impound the car because you seem like the type.

So why do these fucknuts keep submitting stupid bills if they clearly won’t pass? Do they not have better things to do with their time ?

Or more importantly our tax money… No, they just hope that if they keep putting these types of bills up that the soccer moms will STFU for a bit.

The problem is that this bill is too vague…If a minivan and a Chevy Malibu are racing down the street it isn’t considered street racing, but if a Civic or Integra is doing excessive speeding on a local street all by himself, then it’s considered street racing…that’s fucking bullshit…

Remember when those 2 Mercedes were racing and they killed the cab driver, I didn’t hear any talk about impounding those cars…

The day a police officer tries to take my car from me cause I was speeding (not racing), my lawyer will drop the biggest lawsuit that office and department would ever see…it’s like racial profilling, but I call it “Import Profiling” :slight_smile:

I think most of us will agree that most of the “agressive/racing” style driving, especially the wreckless kind is done by people driving unsporty stock vehicles, such as suvs, minivans, mid-size sedans and such… and that’s not including the ones who just don’t pay attention, and I’ve been in cars with drivers like that, it is not fun to see/experience

Today I was traveling down the 410 at about 145 ish or so and some guy in a early 90s caddy deville passed me like I was standing still and weaving through traffic.

A newer benz was following the caddy.

He was a badass.

so true , “import profiling” LOL. Same thing happens when i drive around, random people in bmw’s and shit rusty minivans and suv’s come ripping by, this is a stupid bill, it will never pass. No need to worry!

lol yup, lol the reason shes walking is cause shes hoping she’d get run down and get to see her son sooner hahaha i dont give a flying fuck haahah

I see where she’s commin from but Suspiscion of street racing, are you fuckin kidding, thats like saying we should arrest random muslims for suspisions of terrorism. Or people for suspisions of “crime”. if that shit rounds racist well it is and this is ageist as it targets the younger group of people. fuck these polititians for even considering it and the damn media for living up these types of cases, shit like this makes me sick. if it were to ever pass in canada I’de move to another country not cuz of the bill but we’d be a retarded nation to accept such a bill.

you realize that’s exactly what they are doing in the usa… and in the early days after the neverending september they did it up here too

although I wonder how much of this is “import” vs. “youth” profiling… I have a suspicion that it’s both, like strike 1 = you drive an import, strike 2 = you are short or reclining too much, strike 3 = whatever the cop wants to find

it wont pass

no worries, like someone mentioned earlier, the term suspision is much too vague.

although there no specific act in the charter pertaining to the right and freedom to do what one desires (modify a vehicle), the term is still too vague. the courts would be tied up forever trying to take on cases like this because most peopel would argue the term suspicion.

the entire law system is designed towards settlements so that the courts are not tied up. in a scenario like this, no such settlement can be arragned and the matter would have to go to court.

it would simply bottleneck time for more imoprtant cases.

secondly, if someone choose so, they would have a shot as suing the officer who pulled them over for nuisance. the definition of nuisance is someone who interfers with a person right to enjoy their own property within reason. to me, pulling someone over based on a hunch (and giving them a ticket or having their vehicle towed or taken away) is unreasonable.

also, anybody who is taken to court would be dealing with common law for the most part. the common law sysetm is based on stary decisis (precendence).

how do you set a precident when every car they pull over will be different in some respect? what would qaulify a tuners car as a street racers car?

judges could also make decisions based on the law of equity, but in todays day and age it is hardly used as it undermines common law and allows judges to rule with discretion. this is frowned upon. ofcourse there are situations where it is needed.

this is like allwoing cops to shoot anyone who they suspect could be a gun carry’er. you can’t give someone power and allow them to use it on hunches.

i know cops are allowed to use force on anyone they deem to be violent or disruptive, but first said violence or disruption must occur before the cop can do whats necessary.

he cant do it before hand based on a hunch. this is why some cops are discharged when they shoot someone they thought was a bad guy

This is ridiculous…“There is no difference between road racing and gangs having a gun fight on a busy street.”