Teen accidentaly shoots himself in the head.

Statistics. No matter how careful you are, even with a 99.9% safety record accidents will still happen with that .01% when there are millions of gun owners handling on daily basis.

Accidents are even more prone when operators are irresponsible such as the kid in the article.

This is very true. There was an incident not long ago where a man brought a handgun to Sunday church, and was showing it to someone in the church in another room and “it discharged”, killing a girl on the other side of the wall. Shooter was dad, killed was daughter. So sad

Actually if I recall in that story shooter was the husband to be of the fiancé he shot and killed.

Yea they make youth riffles not toddler riffles[/QUOTE]

Who the Fuck r u to tell me I’m irresponsible ??? What I do with my child is up to me I grew up around guns ,my father did and so on . My entire family is made up of hunters and if I wanna tech my child about firearms I will do so . Stop being a uptite hippster and pull your fuckin head out of your ass . Ya think I’m the only one ? I was the same age when my father taught me . Just cause you may live or brought up in a urban setting where u couldn’t don’t make me a bad parent . My god retards like u piss me the Fuck off its not like he is shooting a .45 or suttin its a fuckin b.b gun , yes he may handle my other rifles but there unloaded clipless and half tore apart when I clean em . I show em how to check each and every one of them and how to use them . Maybe just maybe if other parents did this there would be less idiots shooting themselves by accident . Fuck u dude u have no idea how pissed I am a.t.m cause of your stupid ass :gtfo

Yeah it was something super Debbie-downer like that

U said your 4 year old checks every gun before he shoots. That means there are multiple guns he is fireing. Come on now. I grew up in the country and my dad was a hunter and tought me gun salty. But I didn’t shoot a gun even a bb gun untilled I was prolly 6 my father bought me a 10 gauge when I was 8. But 4 is a little early to handle guns he doesn’t have to PLAY with guns when he. Is 4. Its kids like that who shoot other kids saying. Its OK I can show u my gun my dad lets me use them all the time. Come on guy use your brain!!!

U are that dumb ain’t u ? My guns along with his are all locked up so he can’t get em . So try again ya fuckin herb

U call me dumb and use the word ain’t in your response. And I’m 30 and have a 4 year old and a 1 year old and guess what they can’t get at a gun because I don’t own any… and we teach gun safe. U don’t have to own a weapon to teach safety. Your a a tool!

They’re not weapons…

Don’t be such a liberal. It’s good to get children into firearms and gun safety while they’re young. Think about it like this:

There’s a red button that says “Do not touch.” What’s your first thought? You wanna touch it.

Replace that with a gun. There ya go. If you remove the temptation and “taboo” about the gun, the kid will be less likely to WANT to screw with it. One of my nephews for example. He shoots all the time w/ my brothers and I. Some days, he doesn’t feel like shooting. It’s because he was introduced at an early age and understands that to some people, guns aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. He knows if he wants to go shooting, his father will take him, thus removing the temptation to screw with it at home.

I understand your concern as a parent, but to judge someone else and say “how dare you!” over something is just wrong. It’s parents like that that are turning a lot of kids into giant pussies. It’s not like John is doing drugs or being violent. For you to judge his parenting based on your opinions is just plain wrong, and it’s not for you to decide what is “good” parenting.

Can someone please tell John what a “hipster” is. I think he’s confusing the term for liberal lol.

Shut up cossey , I meant hippie and autocorrect set it as hipster lol . With homo,s like this guy no wonder why kids are pussies nowadays. This fuckin dope has me so pissed right now . Let’s go so far and say suttin does happen and we need to protect ourselves ! Suttin happens to me at least my kid will know what to do to protect himself lol good luck with not having guns .

I’m new to gun ownership, didn’t fire my first gun till I was 26. But I always treat every gun I handle as loaded, even if I know without a doubt that its not. Just never take any chances. I normally keep one of the guns loaded, as its just me in the house. I was seeing someone with a child, anytime they would be over the Guns and ammo would be locked up, just not to take a chance.

So kids who don’t play with guns=pussy’s. Good reasoning. You should stick to something your good at…JERKING OFF!!!


Matty, parent your own fucking kids. Because I can guarantee John’s are going to be comfortable enough with firearms not to shoot themselves in the head at any age. We can just pray yours are never in a situation at a friends house involving a loaded gun and bad decision making. Because it can happen, obviously. You can control firearms in your own household, but anywhere else I guess you can just cross your fingers.

For the record, only way to guarantee gun accident won’t happen in your house hold is not to have guns.

That is the ultimate way to control their safety.

That said gun control classes should be taught or even mandatory.

Plus access easy access to your loaded firearms by somebody who can have any kind of intent not relevant to the real owners ideals makes gun laws or licenses useless. People with a privilege to own a controlled gun, should be responsible for it’s location, safety and security.

Oh matty I can’t wait to run across u at some point …

Hopefully he doesn’t have a screwdriver in his hand when you do. :rofl

I really hope u do! A few people on here know me and how I use to be…
And u might wanna give him the screw driver. He will need it

privilege to own a controlled gun, should be responsible for it’s location, safety and security.

Vlad, it’s a right guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment. Not a privilege like a driver’s license.