Teen accidentaly shoots himself in the head.


Edit: Reading what I wrote and then looking at your signature brings it to whole new levels of LOL. “4000 pound missiles incoming!!!”

Only if they’re 2002 911 TTs.

Otherwise, no.


i understand that firearms can be weapons.

but the term weapon is much broader than any gun. as said above car is a weapon. hell my cock could be used a weapon i suppose.

we all have opinions, but i consider firearms firearms. to me nothing is a weapon until the handler makes it a weapon wether its a car, gun, knife, fist, etc.

Many things can be used as a weapon if chosen.

Somethings are designed as a weapon from the getgo, and while they may not always be killing people it doesn’t make them any less weapon like.

M4 or AK47 weren’t designed to be shooting at targets on rifle ranges, neither were grenades, jet fighters or aircraft carriers. They are all still weapons as that was their sole purpose and design is to aid in killing and gaining power over the enemy.



  • A thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage.
  • A means of gaining an advantage or defending oneself in a conflict or contest: “resignation threats are a weapon in his armory”.

Sweet. Mazda didn’t make the list. :skid

Gun safety or not most people have the common sense not to point a gun at themselves and pull the trigger.

Your use or non-use has nothing to do with classification of an object.
Firearms are manufactured as weapons, and sold as such, unless explicitly made for target practice. Hunting guns are weapons too because you kill things with them and that is their intended purpose.

Or you could always try and argue with a local judge when buying a handgun that you don’t need a permit for it because you intend to use it as a doorstop.


Idk. Maybe a hunting rifle/shotgun can be considered a “tool” until turned against someone or an animal not in season. But an ar-15, ak-47, or a handgun and the like are weapons even if just used for target shooting. Kinda like a baseball bat being used for sport until turned on someone violently, then its a weapon. My japanese sword collection isn’t being used as a weapon, until you break into my house and you get your head cut off, but even sitting on the wall they were designed and created for one purpose, killing people.

That being said, you are entitled to your own opinion, just like we are all entitled to buy and own these guns.

I’d consider a gun used for hunting as more of a tool as well since it makes a task easier to accomplish. Unless of course you are hunting with Dick Cheney.

A combat rifle is a “tool” for killing people.
Just like a hunting rifle is a “tool” for killing animals.
Which makes both of those a weapon.

Not sure if that’s directed at me, but I never said anything about anyone’s rights to buy guns. People can buy and own anything they like as long as it’s legal.

There’s no room for opinion here, it’s a fuckin’ weapon by definition. It doesn’t matter if you just plink targets with it!


a firearm is a weapon no doubt, avid gun supporter here. it is a weapon, should be treated as a weapon, and should always be used safetly