the Actual Work-Out thread

ok i rly wanna start taking some preworkout nitric oxide supplements again but i wanna know what everyone else is taking. Nitric oxide kinda scares me because sometimes it will turn my whole body red and make me itchy an hot. This cant be good for me and who knows its doing for my insides. But when i take a GOOD nitroc oxide supplement i get an awesome pump and it makes my muscles feel like they are gonna pop out of the skin. Please dont tell me to use anything that muscletech makes kuz i will laugh at u. Ive heard good things about black powder. Also heard good things about white flood and gaspari superpump 250. Any input?

I’ve used Superdump 250. It works, but NO products are something your body can grow accustomed to. As a result you’ll be taking multiple scoops at once and the jug will deplete way too quickly. I ended up only taking the stuff 15mins pre workout on the days when I was squatting or doing some other complex movement.

Taking an NO for the pump or for any vanity related reasons is gay. I took it for the focus and the energy, which it provided, which I felt aided me into lifting more than I should and helped in pumping out those last few reps.

My .02c

edit: Gaspari makes solid products, just expensive.

OK so tonight I did:

-5 minute warmup on the treadmill
-5x5 supersets of snatch lifts and pushups. (LOL pushups for no other reason than convenient way to keep moving between sets)
-15 minutes HIIT on a recumbant bike with the resistance @ 15, 30 sec sprint/60 second jog. Heartrate cycling 157-172.
-15 minutes on elliptical, first 10 keeping heartrate at 162, last 5 cooling down
-Home for a protein shake


You are on your way to very manly workouts!
Supersets :tup:
15 min HIIT :tup:
Lifting before cardio :tup:
I would switch the eliptical time to 20+min on lower heartrate.(given your goals)
Also I feel you should consider a more solid lifting plan with goals and designated body parts per day.

Cool. I’ll work on that next. Thanks for the ongoing wisdom broda! I’ll have the broforce mastered and be a full blown brodi in no time.

What the?!


when u do the HIIT on the bike are controlling the difficulty manually by switching the settings or are you using a preset mode in the bike, eg. random hill or something like that.

The pump was never anything of vanity to me. When i get a pump that is so intense i can barely reach one arm to the other side of my chest it makes me focus and keep going kuz i want it to get bigger. I know its hard to explain but its just a mental thing. Like u feel the pump and it makes u wanna keep going i guess is what im trying to say. It makes it feel like whatever ur doing is working i guess lol.


Drew, Adam, couple questions:

About halfway through HIIT tonight (around the 8 minute mark) I noticed that I stopped feeling like I was going to die and started feeling more like the energizer bunny, even though my legs were still burning and whatnot. Was that me pussing out and slowing down, or was my body doing something crazy like switching to ketosis?

Glucosamine & Chondroitin - I want to try taking it for a month to take the edge off of my knee so I can do this shit every day. I used the stuff shortly after my knee injuries and didn’t really notice any help but I want to try again. Any reason not to? LOL glucosamine sounds like glucose so I’m worried that it could mess with my progress.

Any reason not to do HIIT every day if I can nut up to it?

Thanks brofessors!

Nice, I would drive my Z28 there from time to time as well, usually worked out later at night, but varied…

Probably not me, I am 6’2-6’3, short brown hair lol… but never worked there

I usually bring in guests though (without black card) so if you want to hop in some night let me know! I will be going tomorrow (Thursday) night around 1030-11


if take animal paks (a multivitamin pack) you will get a serving of glucosamine. Also, congratulations, its time to step it up a notch with the HIIT, ur stamina is going up. If u stay where you are at youre going to start getting off the bike feeling like u didnt accomplish anything. Increase ur time on the bike, or add more high intesity periods and less rest periods. I usually just add more time.

Work harder, you are slowing down. If you really are maxxing the machines, like the other guy said, less off more on. Extending the session isn’t going to help.

Glucosamine & Chondroitin - I want to try taking it for a month to take the edge off of my knee so I can do this shit every day. I used the stuff shortly after my knee injuries and didn’t really notice any help but I want to try again. Any reason not to? LOL glucosamine sounds like glucose so I’m worried that it could mess with my progress.

Any reason not to do HIIT every day if I can nut up to it?
Chondrotin is useless from everything that I’ve read. Glucosamine rarely works, and when it does, might just be placebo effect. Are you on a multi? It won’t help your knee problem, but should be taken anyways. I recommend: Multi

There are other types of HIIT that you can do, in fact, you can do HIIT with any complex movement that your knee is comfortable doing. Example, push presses with a lighter weight. You just blast the shit out of the movement for the time, etc. Push presses, db + bb snatch, cleans…

Check this guy out. He is fucking diesel ( i find motivation in seeing people do shit i can’t do, i don’t know if anyone else is this way. ) Make sure to check out his hands at the end lol.

:tup: Thanks.

I have thendonitis in my left knee and this stuff works wonders. Its joint support. I bought it when i was having trouble on the bike because my knee would hurt so bad, espeically in the winter. it got awesome reviews so i gave it a try and the pain and inflamation was pretty much completly gone in the first week. Heres a really good write up on it as well.

You gotta be careful with the protein shakes… too much protein in one sitting goes to waste and will shred your kidneys… There is no magical number to follow because everyone is different, but they do sell strips you pee on that will tell you if your body is using the protein or if it is being wasted.

well protein will either become fat, or become muscle, if u drink protein shakes and sit on ur ass it a great way to gain fat

so who wants to help me shape up? 97_b18b1 i nominate you…

These herbal vitamins and drugs are always hyped up and very sceptical since almost none of them are evaluated by the FDA, but I did recently talk to my pharmacist about the OsteoSport products and he did say they were pretty promising.

Psychosomatics always plays a role with new medicines, hence why there is always placebo trial.

I recommend some type of elbow or knee band for tendonitis support.

Going back on topic, make sure that you are on a good diet. Talk to a trainer or nutriotionalist to get on a good regiment that is good for your body, you’d be surprised to see how big a role your diet plays.

During highschool, I was a lineman and a first baseman, so I’d lose 40 lbs for baseball, then gain 40 lbs for football. A lot of the weight gain and loss helped by my good diet and supplements.

I used the muscletech brand creatine (celltech), and protien (mesotech, nitrotech) and got great results.

You sounded mildly intelligent, but then ruined it all with your last sentence. Perhaps you should delete it if you’d enjoy being respected in this part of the community. :lol:

I just joined a new gym:

$40 a month and no sign up fee. It is in a old best buy to give you an idea of the size. I am still try to figure out how they put a pool in. Must have been a bunch of digging inside the existing building.

I got 315 up for 10 on the bench. I am such a one trick pony.
Now it is time to figure out how to lose some weight.