the Actual Work-Out thread

well if u like no explode u will proly like sn’s weight gainer as well its called true mass. ive heard good thingsd but then again i dont really use weight gainers too often. im not looking to put all kinds of size on. i started at 170, my goal is 180-185, im st 178 so until i stop growing im not even gonna consider it.

ugh I eat SO many carbs… I eat a shit ton of food every day, it’s just I burn shit off so fast

anyone dabbled into “Muscle juice”
A few of my friends had, and blew up in weeks…
Not like i’d ever get into it just wondering if anyone on here,has

lol well the good news is that’s way healtheir than being your typical fat American. Even a little spare tire means your organs are packed in fat. I saw a slightly overweight cadaver at Harvard Medical in November. Fucking yellow fat goo everywhere, around all the organs, covering the abdominal wall, looked like an infestation or something.

I joined a gym the following Monday. Uggh.

im at 16% body fat, which is just above average for an 18 year old, it seems like a high number, but i dont look fat lol.

my goal is to get under 10% by june, 3 months from yesterday
which should be pretty obtainable with my dieting and work out schedule so far, hopefully i can keep it up :meh:

that will be much more difficult than u think. At 12% u will look extremly thin

I’d really think about if that’s the goal you want. What are you working out for? To get super hot for mad hunniez? For boxing? To be healthy?

If you want to look good in a bathing suit having a low body fat % will help your abs, but if you want to box keeping around 15-20% is definitely alright, and to be healthy anything in the range is ok

i may have measured wrong, im not too sure, you are supposed to measure 1inch above your right hipbone, either way i would like to decrease, whether my measurement is wrong or not, i will just remeasure wrong again, to get an idea of how much i actually lost lol

no i dont want abs for all teh mad hunniez on myspaces

to be healthy, and just FEEL better, not about myself lol, just better in general

chest and back this morning. Ive bee wanting to get my back a little bit bigger lately so i did a REALLY heavy day. Since i was doin a heavy day i figured i would see what my 1RM is for my bench press since everyone is talking so much about it lately lol. Ended up bein 225. Im actually pretty impressed since it was my first stab at it ever and i almost never olympic lift or power lift. Im always doing 8-10 reps for every single exercise i do if not more. Now that i tried it though im kinda addicted lol, i wanna get 275 by summer…i think i can do it

bullshit. I’m 12% and I have weight to lose… <7% is when you look thin

holy shit dude, a lot of pros are right around 6%. Im telling u its not easy. Jay cutler was at 4% going into the olympia 08.

12% is average… for males

9-15% is average for males up to 30 years old

^ you are probably 18%

at 12% you can see a six pack

12.6% sweety. I’ve had it done with in the past month

I also weigh 203lbs and my lean body mass is 177lbs… so my target weight is 187 :slight_smile:

yes i believe the window is 12-15% for males. But what people dont realize is that they are pretty cruel in the “overweight” doesnt take much to be considered overweight

not to mention 12% on one person may look different on another

how was it measured?

it was with the calipers… there is obviously some error in the calipers. I know that but by no means am I 16-18%

i actually like the calipers more than nething. Maybe its just kuz im inclined to trust a mechanical method over and electronic one, id say if whoever was doing it, did it right, the most ull be off by is 1-1.5%

I honestly don’t have a clue how accurate they are… I just spent the last 10 minutes trying to find that out.

Personally my probably is the beer fat that likes to form where your stomach is lol… I do feel the 12% is accurate though. as my arms and legs and other places are pretty lean.

As for a mechanical method being the most accurate. There are errors in every method… :frowning: