the Actual Work-Out thread

Picked up some new sneakers and went for my hardest treadmile sprint. I ran at 11mph for about 2 full minutes, .35 miles.

If only I could keep up that pace for another 4 minutes I’d be doing great. :wink:

I think this way works really well for not losing weight, and still building cardio for the 2 minute rounds this summer.

12% is extremely tough to get. Im not even fat and im at like 19-20% according to my caliper. I think some people are just naturaly skinny.:frowning:

what? 12% is average for males…

How tall are you and what do you weigh?

That’s just part of your dying liver and its regrowth.

12% is pretty low bodyfat. I have to believe the average is higher, between 18-20%. Doesn’t alumni have submerged bodyfat testing? That is certainly the most accurate, followed of course by calipers used by a professional/experienced person.

Starting this upcoming weekend I’m considering switching to a CKD diet, the carb up days seem very enticing. Consuming fat for 66% of the allotted daily calories seems unhealthy though, however I haven’t done enough research.

ya the person really needs to know what they are doing, ive heard of people being off by up to 5% with calipers! Like i said a lot of pro bodybuilders walk on stage at around 5 or 6% and those guys look like they have none at all. Supposedly bruce lee only had 1.8% but i dont even know how u would measure that lol.

You are a fucking idiot… BODY FAT its 12%…

10lbs of fat is all you need to function… so me being 200lbs… that would be 5%… if you were 150lbs and you still had 10lbs of fat. you would be at 6.7%…

At 12% I have 24lbs of fat on my body…
THERE RESOURCES TOO… quit being fucking idiots

ooooo see how sweetness i am. I said bodybuilders are 5 or 6%, the chart says 5-8%. I also said 12-15 is average and most of the sports are right in that range, woot woot!

see you aren’t a dumbfuck like Adam :clap:

lol…which ones adam?


Ugh i am still on marathon training mode. it sucks fucking balls. am about to eat a big bowl of shitty rice. FML

I love rice!!! how many miles are you doing today? and what time are you running at?

not that anyone cares but my stretch marks from soccer are almost gone!

I already ran today. Monday is my tempo run so i went 6 miles and finished at an 8:04 pace.
Tomorrow I will do another 6 and marathon pace about 9:30
Wed rest
Thursday I am going 10 or 12 at marathon pace.
Friday is 2 miles just to stretch after your long day.
Sat I run hills for about 4 miles
Sun rest

I will be adding mileage every week till I am doing 8-9 mon-tue and 16-20 thurs, fri will stay sat will go to 6-8

:frowning: I was just guessing!

edit: You were referencing athletes, I guess I was looking at all of america =P

When is the marathon… like 3 or 4 weeks before … .you really need a 20 mile run in there usually the week prior… to the race

HAHA I was referencing outside of the US lol … america sucks…

How can you guess on this subject matter, you should at least have an educated guess… Apparently you aren’t the big workout buff as you think you are :slight_smile:

Bro i have been distance running for years lol I have a 20 mile run scheduled 3 weeks before. Im not running that hard the week prior. June 27th is race day. I am not trying to do anything impressive time wise. I just want to finish and enjoy festival then start drinking.

GOOD! lol my step-father is a triathlete I hear all the proper training shit from him…

I think his first iron man is this summer too!