The Be All-End All Religion Debate Thread! version.ON-Topic

… if religion is the underlying basis of life… then how can someone live without it?

  • they can

if space is the underlying basis of life… then how can someone live without it? - they cant

i think that people, like myself, would rather belivee in a ‘space dust’ theory (which i’ll go into if you’d really like… it does make sense and has shown itself to be true((creation of matter in space)) time and time again) which is something that is material fact…

i’m not going to entrust my life in something made up… i’d rather look to the sky and imagine space beign my creator, than a guy ‘above’ space looking down at me… too unrealistic.

Which ones, the ones we didnt shoot, stab, rape, scalp, or infet with smallpox?

Darkstar needs to get it right. Catholics were the ones forcing conversion not protestants

so Catholics arent christians?

those good people that owned other people? Nothing at all hypocritical to boldly decree that “we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal”, when you are slave owners. I guess by men they meant rich white male’s that owned property. How noble.

Big important point: Christianity IS NOT Catholic. I truely believe that all catholics are going to hell, no matter how much they are in their church, or no matter how much crap they do.

Which brings me to another point. I believe (christianity) that with only trust in Jesus, like its writen in the bible, I will hold the kingdom of heaven. Its crystal clear you don’t have to do jack to get into heaven, unlike other religions. I’m not all about building a following or doing all these crazy things that different religions make you do.

I’m a lazy person, and believe that when we die you just don’t ceise to exist. You will go somewhere…pretty much heaven or hell. I think that God is so perfect, that he knows us perfectly; since we were made in his image, he knew us intimately…which is why jesus died on the cross, etc… that means salvation is already done for us, u just have to believe and trust in him. He knows that the rest of the good deeds and what-not will follow if you truly seek God.

I mean, i will never know for sure what religion is what, but its pretty much a no brainer to be like “hey what the heck…just in case this stuff is real, i’ll put my trust in God, in Jesus that I’m told died on a cross that forgave all of us of our sins.” and thats it, its done. What do u seriously have to loose?

very true post. I don’t believe all catholics are going to hell but I do believe they are led by a false religion. on top of the fact that you don’t have to speak to God through the mother mary. I believe that is a sin because mary is no greater than us and no closer to God than us.

you don’t need to go to church to go to heaven like gearhead said. you only have to believe that God sent his son here to die for your sins on the cross so that if you ask to be forgiven you will be as long as you believe in God.


I’m a lazy person, and believe that when we die you just don’t ceise to exist. You will go somewhere…pretty much heaven or hell. I think that God is so perfect, that he knows us perfectly; since we were made in his image, he knew us intimately…which is why jesus died on the cross, etc… that means salvation is already done for us, u just have to believe and trust in him. He knows that the rest of the good deeds and what-not will follow if you truly seek God.

Explain the “christ died for our sins” concept to me. It makes no sense whatsoever to me.

I mean, i will never know for sure what religion is what, but its pretty much a no brainer to be like “hey what the heck…just in case this stuff is real, i’ll put my trust in God, in Jesus that I’m told died on a cross that forgave all of us of our sins.” and thats it, its done. What do u seriously have to loose?

eh, I cant do it. I mean, to me you either believe it or you dont. You cant really “fake believe” just in case as a contingency plan. Or at least thats the way I feel about it.

how does Jesus getting nailed to a cross by his own people equate to my sins being absolved thousands of years later?

wow, where to start…

cutty, if ur gonna try to make an historical argument, please give historical information. ill let the pil;grim part slide, as it is true to a point. but the indian bit is wrong as fuck…

itr sam and whoever is on the catholics/christians dont make indians change bit… ok, ever hear of The Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society? or how about Anglican and Roman Catholic churches? or even the Canadian Presbyterian Church? all of these groups in the 1800’s were trying to convert indians to each religion, all of which failed. look it up.

and dont give me this bullshit that they dont make people convert. christianity has started it’s fair share of wars b/c they want peopel to convert or be killed. look at the split of rome from east/west between christian/byzxatine… the crusades agains the muslims lets not forget.

the catholics are no saints either-- lets not forget spain’s inquisition (sp) or frances holy wars between catholics/protestants. or even irelands for that matter.

lastly, mull over this—pay attention to the Etymology

Main Entry: cult
1 : Pronunciation: 'k&lt
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: French & Latin; French culte, from Latin cultus care, adoration, from colere to cultivate – more at WHEEL
formal religious veneration : WORSHIP
2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents
4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator <health cults>
5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion


Main Entry: re·li·gion
Pronunciation: ri-'li-j&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English religioun, from Latin religion-, religio supernatural constraint, sanction, religious practice, perhaps from religare to restrain, tie back – more at RELY
1 a : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion> b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

Mikey… if you seriously want to learn, try attending a nice looking Presby church. I’m not no edumacated dude on all this, I only do my best with what little i’ve experienced… i’ve forgotten half of what i used to know, but that won’t change anything with me and God.

My best “christ died for our sins” explanation. a: read the bible, its all in there

pretty much Jesus was born as God’s kid, his one and only son. He send him to be crusified on a cross (the worst punishment endoured during that time), signifiying that sacrificing your only son is the ultimate act you could do for someone to show love for them. God used this scenerio to extinguish sin (which we are all born into b/c of adam and eve, etc.) and so that we could see heaven and eternal life. Its not just us, 2k years later, its for all eternity…this is all in the bible, made better than me explaining it.

I probalby should have explained it better than you thinking its “fake believing”. Thats not what I ment. I’m just saying that God knows us well enough not to have us need to do all kinda things. Its easy to start believing… its freaking retarded to spend your whole life doing all these things for some ghey ass ball licker that calls himself a profit… forgive me for saying ghey ass ball licker.

sailor I never said there was no forced conversion. I am a history major remember? cortes didn’t even want the 12 monks to be sent by the king of spain to the central american area because he was using forced conversions to his benifit(IE. money making)

Not all people who profess to be Christians are going to heaven. they use it as a way to get ahead but really don’t believe the things it is founded on(example would be gay ministers). the thing is that they know it is wrong so some may ask God for forgivness for sinning(being gay) and actually get to heaven. if you truely believe in all that God says then you ask forgivness and you are forgiven no questions asked.

as for the cult thing- have you even seen a anglicain or catholic church? to me that is cult like yet at my church we do none of that cultic stuff like think the bread is blessed by the paster and it truely turns to the body of christ as catholics do.

I mean I think some protestant faiths are wrong(predestination, etc) but they have what you fundamentally need to know to get to heaven. Catholics and Anglicans are boarderline and all really depends on how strict you are to adhear to the churches beliefs.

Point is I am Baptist by faith and always will be. I was saved when I was 9 years old and I took God into my heart and my life has been awesome ever since. watching what God does to people is amazing to watch and you can’t watch him work and think he doesn’t exsist. Gearhead put it best earlier when he said that. The fact I got engaged, am close to finishing school, have a great family, great friends, etc I attribute to God placing those people and things in my life and that is faith not some cult like attribute.

edit: about wars. sailor you knowing so much about history I can’t believe that you would even bring war up. Has there been anything significant that happened in the history of man without war and/or religion? and if you want to bring the two into perspective was Jesus being crucified not a war? was he not a prisoner of war? sorry but without war the world would never be what it is today or what it was yesterday. did the aztecs not force conversions on the tribes they concured not to mention sacrified them by tearing their hearts out of their chest while they were still alive? sorry dude christianity per capita never did the attrocities the muslims or even indiginous people did.

William Wallace was tortured by the king of england and had his entrails removed while he was alive. he asked God to keep him strong before every battle so one would assume he did the same at his inquisition.

I got all of that for myself, some mythical being did not place people in front of me.

so you really think you evolved from some single cell organism? you think evolution created the human system and better yet reproductive system? you call people with religion weak minded when you are truely the one weak minded that cannot see something unless it is right infront of you. that is pretty sad

prove me wrong

I believe in evolution.

I do not understand how an adult can believe in this fairy tale?

I have faith in myself, how is it that I am weak minded? I do not have the whole “god” cop out. I take responsibility for everything that happens in my life. If something is good, it’s because I did good. If something is bad, it’s because I fucked up.

If you do not get a promotion at work or that great job you interviewed for, is that god’s fault or yours?

One of the funniest things I have ever done is engage in a religious debate with somone who truely believed that he was placed on this earth by aliens and they would some day return to save him… drugs are bad! correction to many drugs are bad.

On a second note who would call themselves a true athiest? I personally like arguing from the athiest view point but would consider myself agnostic

I do not believe there is a god up there. what does that make me?


Do you whole heartedly believe that there is no god and you will never change your mind, or would you be willing to change your idea that there might be a god given reasonable proof?

you hate the current power in the country, you hate the forefathers…just leave… seriously Go back to the country of your ancestors if you really have that big a problem with America. But i know you won’t cause ur just full of hot air.

evolution isn’t a FACT??? :dunno:

I was raised strict catholic and some things have happenend along the way to question this belief. I started questioning in 11th grade or so and by the time I was 24, I didn’t believe in any god. I am in control of my life and live only for myself and my family. When I die, I am dead, plain and simple. I make the best out of this life because it’s the only one I have.