The f**k?

That scenario has extra levity in Western New York after the crash that killed five teenage girls from Fairport. It was reported the driver’s phone received a text message just seconds before the accident.

Currently there is no state law prohibiting texting while driving. The state hopes this initiative will potentially lead to one, as well as perhaps a grant from the DMV to hire staffers specifically to monitor distracted driving.

So basically because a few people fucked up, the state is going to overreact, using it as an excuse to harass everyone by giving BS tickets, only to raise money to hire MORE cops to generally harass the public? Sounds about right. I can’t believe that texting while driving is legal, but picking up a call isn’t, and you can get a ticket for eating a cheeseburger while driving. Love this ass-backwards state.

This means you cant USE the radio at all, let alone change the station.

yes it is illegal. yes you can get a ticket for yelling at your kids while you’re driving.

Link to law?

While I’m all for the tard that cut me off while doing something distracting getting ticketed, I would appreciate it if they didn’t pull these fucking “well this week we’re going to enforce this law” stunts while toeing the line between law enforcement and harassment. Not like it’s anything but a source of income anyhow.

This is stupid…

Seriously, they can give you a ticket for anything they want as it is, and it just keeps getting worse and worse… and apparently slightly more legal for them…

Yeah obviously the majority of us agree that doing all that stuff isn’t so smart while driving. However I agree with the OP the fuck… giving out tickets for something that isn’t technically illegal is a crock of shit.

Theres tons of things you can do while driving that are fucking stupid, but people will still do them regardless of if they are legal or not, they will just try and hide it, which sometimes makes it worse…

But, giving out a ticket for changing the volume or something while driving in a car that dosent have wheel mounted controls at 10 and 2 is freeking stupid as shit… Well, at least the ability of them to do so is retarded…

IT’s Labor Day Weekend. Just like Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, Indepence Day, PResidents Day, and whatever else day/weekend, LEO decides to “CRACK DOWN” and make a difference in the world. You should be used to it by now.

Stop talking on your cellphone while you are driving.

Stop eating food with both hands when you should have one on the wheel

Stop doing your fucking makeup while driving

If you need to smack your kids up because they are “acting a fool” then for Christ’s sake pull over. You can smack them harder when you’re not reaching behind you.

Go Niagara County :tup:

Yet another reason to become a cop…

well we all know that ny will do anything…ANYTHING, to get their grubby little hands on every last penny that we have!