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Juno - pretty good for a feel-good movie. 8/10

agreed… I still would like to know what was in the box at the end… Is it her head… or the baby that was pulled out of her?

i am fairly certain it’s her head.

has anyone ever seen the The Adventures of Baron Munchausen?

gah no!

but I was told I need to like 4 years ago and completely forgot the title!!!

must find now

it’s fucking bizarre.

It was a rather long time since I have last seen the movie. I believe she was about to tell the Cop that she was pregnant, but was never able to. I felt that this was some kind of foreshadowing to the event when the box was open there was a fetus in there so he would know she was not only dead, but so was his child.

If it was just her head I don’t know if he would have ever known she was pregnant.

Yea thats gotta be a little weird

“i took a souvenir, her pretty head”

Although perhaps the fetus was rammed in there too.

ah touche, I don’t remember that line, maybe it was something they were going to put in with there and felt it would be Too much for the actual movie. Seems as if it would be a little controversial to include it.

I really don’t like when movies do elude very strongly to something and then don’t hold up to it.

sweet fucking movie. i want to ride cannonballs now


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The new National Treasure… it was okay. I should have waited for it to come on DVD.

I do want to see that Kung-Fu Panda movie with Jack Black!!

i thought i remember seeing some of her hair stick out of the box in se7en. i havent seen it in a few months though.

the bucket list

funny. great.

i cried

Snatch 10/10 awesome ending imo

Shoot 'Em Up
Obviously a parody of action movies but it has some pretty great action in it.

The Rules of Attraction

From the man who brought you american psycho.
this movie is done so unique, so perfect.
ugh, new favorite.

+1 I almost cried

do you guys share a vagina or each have your own?

they have their own.

i’ve already confirmed this from kristen

fast food nation 8/10

shows the exploitation of workers from the slaughterhouse floor all the way up to marketing management