I <3 morgan freeman
disturbia 6/10 i watched this for the first time last night, not a bad movie…its ok
Juno- 6/10
It had some funny parts, but nothing spectacular. I laughed the hardest when they showed the bleaker getting ready to go for a run, and that’s not saying much.
Def a solid 9/10.
Great movie.
Mystic River
9/10 damn good movie, im a bit in the air about the ending though, kinda liked it kinda didnt.
Anybody seen Walk hard? I heard it was funny and I’ve also heard it sucks.
Worth the $9?!
shoot um’ up 6/10 only good for random excessive violence :tup:
3:10 to Yuma, 7/10
I haven’t seen it, but it looks like it sucks asshole to me.
PS I love you. 8/10 it was a good movie, I found it funny. I have a quirky sense of humour.
Across the Universe.
i personally thought it kicked ass. id give it a 8/10
The Kingdom
9 out of 10
Great movie. Good job not going down the “all arabs are terrorists” route. Really good ending.
hahaha, i hope you went with your girlfriend to see that. my gf saw it monday and she’s been crying about it all week.
i would say 8/10 as well i liked the funeral in the bar idea followed by shots of whiskey
Yeah Dewey Cox looks like it sucks the cox… doesn’t look good at all.
Yeah? Sarcasm? My gf want’s to see it, and I am kinda iffy about spending the $$$ but she wants to so if I can endure it, I’ll go.
I still need to see I am Legend, and of course Cloverfield here shortly.
Alpha Dog - 8/10 - I thought it was a pretty good movie, although pretty sad at the end.
I would go for 9.5/10!!!
I loved this movie…
saw it in theatres Thursday night…and got the screener after and have watched twice already.
So well done and there are so many little things going on that most people probably don’t even think about
I LOVE that flick. cool plot, based on a true story. JT was cool, and Emille Hirsch is good up & comer. Its one of my recent “under the radar” favs!