The R/T just took a fatal blow

I would seriously think about a junk yard motor. Granted this guy said it SHOULD be around a grand but he hasnt seen it. What if he come back and its double? Buy a junk yard motor and have it swaped out in a weekend for alot less.

Just brought it back from my mechanics. i was babying the fawk out of it driving it home (it wond knock unless it gets to like 1800 RPM), damn its gonna suck to have to see it go. it will be sitting in my driveway now untill tuesday when it will be trailered to this guy’s place in Batavia. I talked to him again when we picked up my friend’s freshly built 5.0 and he said it would be $750 to take it out and put it back in, and then prob at least $1000 but no more than $2000. he also said i may get lucky and it may just be a bad rocker in which case i wont evne need to have the motor pulled. so we’ll see.

just for the hell of it, i took the valve cover off today on the side its makiing the noise and check the rockers for anything loose or broken and everything seems fine. so im back to being stumped again.

See any decrease in oil pressure?


pull the pan, look for shavings. didn’t your mechanic say what was wrong?

:word: Before you go getting the whole thing taken apart check for the obvious signs…Metal in the oil…lower oil PSI.

i just changed my oil like a month ago, and there were no shavings or anything, and the oil pressure is fine. i think to pull the pan on it, you have to disvonnect to the motor mounts and jack the motor up a few inches. so yeah…


Where did you find these guys?

holy shit! the block is the only thing salvageable? heads are shot too? the hell happened that killed it?

yeah - exactly what was the cause of death again?

didn’t your mechanic say what was wrong?


With normal oil psi…No metal…I would look else where before tearing down a motor.

How many miles are on this truck?

they told me it could be a bad rocker, broken rod, rod bearing, main bearing, bad crank. the thing that pisses me off is they diodnt even take anything apart to look at it. they basically jsut started it and heard it and said “OH!!! NEW MOTOR!!!” then after hearing what theyw anted for a junkyard motor and an install price, i figured out i was getting taken for a pretty good ride so i decided to pursure it otherwise. even the guy im taking it to in Batavia told me i may not even have to pull the motor. we (my friends, one of which is a mechanica at a ford dealer) listened to it yesterday and pinpointed it to be coming from the drivers side cylender head, in which case they could prob jsut take that off and do whatever without having to pull the motor. we got the valve cover off quite easily so i could thing the cylender head shouldnt be too hard.

Make sure its not something stupid like a sparkplug that backed off or something.

yea but the guy in batavia has u buy the balls when its down there so he could easily fuck u. i know ur looking for the cheapest possible solution but sometimes its better to pay the money. also when u changed the oil last month thats not when u spun a bearing(and u did) it was this month i would take the oil filter off (that way u only have to put a half quart in. i would also stop driving it because if u did spun a bearing u hitting the cylinder wall with the rod and it will go through the motor when the rod bearing ceases on the crank

lather rinse repeat

doing this motor swap would be soooooooo easy. i dont know why u are completely ignoring this suggestion. Ill bet that u can part out ur old motor and almost make all the money back that u spent at the junkyard. :ham:

:smash2:It’s like your ignoring every bit of advice in this thread. Too late now, but it sounds like your going to need some:

some people are just stubborn and want to do it there way only, im one of those guys too. junkyard motor ftw

just because the Valve cover came off easy, does not mean the head will!!!

ok, park it at your house, pull the motor, try to fix it yourself, in the meantime, put a junkyard motor in it. than while you have the time/money, build the old 360 back up. ITs not hard. Itll be relitivly inexpensive and Youll actually be able to put those headers on the right way. For christ sakes, these people have been ballz deep in cars for god knows how long. listen to them. the whole reason to join an automotive forum is to learn, not up your post count. :smash2:

i dunno. if he’s willing to pay a mechanic, doesn’t want to do the work himself, and wants to sell the thing right after it’s done, a lot of these solutions being offered don’t meet his desires at all. i get the feeling everyone’s all about trying to get him to do this work himself and build up a sick motor for a truck he doesn’t want to work on THAT much, nor keep in the end.

reading > lots of you

not too sure about the mechanics that you’ve found already, but well… pulling a cylinder head is a bit easier than pulling an engine. not sure if this has been covered, but are there any shavings in the oil (if you’ve answered this, i don’t see it anywhere)?