The R/T just took a fatal blow

he did, said there wasn’t any, but most of it would stay in the sump.

i dont have the time, space, tools, or resources to do this myself. nor do i really want to deal with it, knowing me, i will find some way to really screw this up because doing a motor swap is WAY beypnd my level of automotive-know-how. right now.

I am sure if u ask anyone here they would be willing to help you do this…it woudl take like a weekend

this is true. offer up some beers and food and im sure you could get a few people over for a weekend and have another engine in and be back in business for hundreds less than a shop

ghettostylezzzz makes a valid point.

How much are You expecting him to putinto the MotaR when THERE IS STILL A LOAN AGAINST THE VEHICLE?


Now, if it were paid off in full, Id vote for a hot Hemi swap with a screwcharger.

:word: I hope you didn’t pay your mechanic to tell you “Yup, something wrong. You might need a new motor, or you might not.” I’d find a decent local (amateur?) mechanic that can tell you what’s wrong before you tow it to Batavia for the sole purpose of an engine rebuild.

yeah, i think the first thing you need to do is decide how much you want to spend, and if you CAN keep the truck if you get teh motor fixed cheaply enough. but before all else, do this.

go through and double check each spark plug is tight, and that each plug is firing. check if the gaps are all correct on the plugs. try cleaning the injectors as well, sometimes a dirty or bad injector can cause alot of problems following the symptoms that you are describing, as was the case on a friend of mine’s mom’s taurus, above a certain RPM it would knock funny and really lose power. if all these check out fine, i suggest pulling the valve cover again, and post some pics for the experts on here to peek at and give some input. if you really want to learn and wouldnt mind the work to save the money, i for one would be more than willing to lend a hand, and there are plenty of people on here that you could borrow all the tools you will need for the swap if need be. call up HOW-BILL here off bullis road, they specialize in small trucks and 4x4,s and im sure they will have a motor for you for a decent price. so looks like all that is left there is to find a place to do the work. hell, with the people on here you could probably sit back and watch as we do everything for you provided enough food and beer is present. anyway, thats just my thoughts on the situation, its something you whould seriously weigh out on paper and see what would work out best for you. heck, even doing the swap yourself and still selling the truck would save alot of time and money.

if someone was to troubleshoot it and say that the truck just needs heads. thats a very doable job as well. ill come and give a helping hand for ya. i like to pay it forward cause theres been people on here that have been very helpful to me, so ide have no problem returning the favor.

i tottally agree with you^^^(focusinprogress)

double check everything, if you need help, you know my cell number. motor swaps aren’t that hard, its just taking your time and makin sure everything fits were its suppose too. i know a great mechanic if you want another opinion.

im starting to think that having a NYSpeed Fix Mikes98RT’s Truck party might be the better idea. the only thing i worry about is how acessable the parts are gonna be. if i need a new valve, or aa new lifter or something of that natrue, will i be able to run down to pep boys right then and there and get it? i have tonight to think about it at least.

it’s a domestic pickup, you could probably buy the frame at pepboys for $599.99 :lol:

seriously, one of the great things about owning a vehicle like this is how easy and cheap the parts are to get. remember my post about the commonality of the engine?

seems like you’ve got good support here too, nyspeed ftw. :tup:

i think we need to hold two parties, one to double check everything and diganose problem, and a second one, once the parts are in to fix the problem.

^^im in for that deal. fridays are a clean sweep for me with no school, and most the time no work. an early start on a friday and im sure you would be done by a sunday.

Mike, give it a shot. If you’re already staring down the barrel of a motor swap you dn’t have much to lose. Put Hank on speed dial and have at her!

^^ o yea totally forgot, hank is the man for any and all parts you would need dude. lets do this thing!!

lets do it!

I am guessing wrist pins, but we will all soon find out.

ok, i took the plugs out, and here is what i found:

i noticed that the plug coming out of cylender #3 seems to be a little darker or have some oil on it. I didnt touch it to see what exactly it was for fear of ‘destroying the evidence’. also, when my friend put a screw driiver up to the head to listen to it, it sounded like the knock was coming from #3. so i think i may be on to something here. my next step is gonna be to take the fuel rail off and take the injectors out and look at them.

i was working on it for a while tonight. i was gonna take the injectors out to clean them, so i went to pep boys to get something to clean them with (turns out u cant do that :banghead: ) and ended up talking to the assistant manager and explaining my troubbles. he said i may have a bad injector (after telling him about the plug) so i went home, got the injector out of #3 and brought in the #3 plug jsut for the hell of it. upon seeing it and smelling it, he asked if i had a stronger coil. when i said no, he said theres your problem! so after explining to me that i couldn NOT run those Accel plugs without a different coil (thank u KS for neglecting to sell me that wehn i bought my MSD wires and those plugs LAST FUCKIGN SUMMER!) those plugs would not work right. so i got a new set of Autolite doubble platinums and the MSD Blaster coil (even though with the Autolites i dont need it, but what the hell?) and put it all back together. i figured out that i didnt put the injector and the fuel rail back together right cuz as soon as i turned on the ignition it started pissing gas evrtywhere out of the injectors that i had to take off. so it was late and i was tired so i quit for the night. my friend said i prob need new o-rings on the injectors, so he is gonna come over tomorrow and we’ll mess with that and seal it up. then, corss our fingers and fire it up and hopefully no knocking.

did vinny at pepboys tell u this.