The walking dead.

I was hoping he’d lose it and take an axe to everyone lol.


Based on his prison rampage alone, if they killed lori earlier, then just set rick loose, he could have the entire state of Georgia cleared out of walkers by sundown.

Another epic episode

told you faggots carol wasn’t dead.

Rick losin it with the phone

lol how right was I about Andrea.

Daryl is the man though. I swear to god if they kill him off I will bomb the shit out of the studio

Can’t wait to see what happens when michonne talks to Rick and the gang

If Daryl dies I’m done. He’s the biggest HOSS on the show.

Do they show last weeks episode before the new ones? I missed last night. Im not huge into the show, but it’s fun to watch.

I don’t understand how people can just start watching on the 3rd season, and then be like “OMG, it’s the best show ever” “OMG, Walking Dead tonight!!!”
(not aimed at you Red, your comment of not being huge into the show made me think of it)
It’s one of those shows that you can’t really just pick it up at like the second episode of Season 3 and be into it, you can’t even get what the fuck is going on until you know the whole story line :lol

But yeah, if Darryl is the biggest boss on the show. I don’t see him going anywhere. Michonne is crazy, but she’s a boss too and will help strengthen Rick’s dwindling crew a little. I can tell you one thing, Glenn and his girl are in for it at the village…I foresee some torture there in the near future…

Lol its cool Joey, I see all the same on FB and such. OMG WALKING DEAD groupies. I did watch most of the first season, none of the second though, only because it was on Netflix haha.

Second season is on Netflix now, catch up on it son

Season will be split at episode 8 for a month like last year.

im an OG Walking Dead fan, /hipsterstatus


I remember when I first heard it was going to be a show I was so filled with excitement but at the same time they’d bastardize the novel

Next week OMG


Already see how it’s going to pan out…

Darryl is going to have to chose between his brother, and the group.

Mid season finales FTL though.

I think hes going to end up killing Merle

me too