this should not be allowed

This thread is going places…

Say the cops stole it from you? That would be my opinion, and opinions are never wrong.

lol, I’m sure the insurance would cover that :roll2:

Old thread but… they aren’t doing anything like this around here are they? On the way home from SNR Cruise night going down Transit I noticed a white BMW coming up behind me and it was a guy in a uniform. Cop…security gaurd type uniform. Which I thought was a little weird, but then after that right behind him was a nice red Mustang with a guy with the same uniform. Idk, but it was right in the area of the accident on transit and after all the warnings they gave at the track about cops and radar and such it wouldnt surprise me really.

I hope they crash both of them.

Couldn’t be two guys headed home from work could it?!?!?!?!?!

just fucking dumb.

Again, the whole “street racing” thing is the latest crazy that officials can point at and say “look I fixed it!!!” me me me. It makes a good story news, but is no where near as out of control as everyone wants to make it.

Eventually there will be so many rules that you wont be able to drive a car without a restrictor plate on the engine, all due to a few people who want to make an example…

So…You justify your statement of saying two individuals crash with a big brother rant…?

Better not drive around in uniform ever!
People will hope nice things happen to you!
Watch out EMTs, Mall security guards and BRINKS truck drivers everywhere, We HATE YOU!


I laughed! You guys need to lighten the fugg up, its just a comment.

I absolutely do. If you missed my point then too bad for you, it has nothing to do with mall security guards or uniforms.

I suppose they could have just been on their way home, but pretty nice cars even for your average patrolling officer or security gaurd, and do they often follow each other home?


if the cops seized my car it would just explode when they tried to chase anyone with it.

why can’t people just stop street racing? what’s so hard about that?

if you want something real, bring it to the track, period.

hey, check out that lambo, I think it’s trying to race…better pull them over.

Sweet, a new cop car.

i dunno if it’s still around, but a few years ago amherst police confiscated a tricked out gold chrysler sebring from a drug dealer. i saw them using for an undercover vehicle a few time.

this is good info becuase this is my town haha

i think that would piss me off more than anything in the world.

I think a big part of it is the randomness of people and cars you see each time you race on the street. That spur of the moment feeling can be 10 times more exciting sometimes rather than a planned match up at the track. Im a huge fan of the track but if its late at night with no one on the road and I see something that I wouldn’t mind running on a country or quiet road, ill sometimes give them a run.