To everyone who stopped by tonight after southgate. PICS page 2 and 6


Sometimes life can toss you a nice challenge. There is a lot to be learned from this without severe consequence so it is what it is and try to take as much as you can from the experience. You seem like a good guy and it good to hear nobody was hurt.(besides a gay VW)


why are you selling it now? tired of running 12’s on a 500 wheel evo? :-p i keed i keed

You just want to get rid of the evo to get a bike like everyone else :gay2:

You selling? what?


I was scrolling down to see if anyone mentioned LOCATION!

Why the hell would you drive like that in a busy place?!?
Go out on some back-ass country road late at night and fuck around.
For Christ’s sake don’t do it on Union!!!
There are schools and pedestrians all over the place in West Seneca!


This is funny.


seriously, i really wanted to say WTF were you thinking last night pulling that shit on Union, but i figured you had enough problems lol.

You really should buy a fucking beater and save your money, but eh what do i know…

I’m buying a cheap used honda once i can afford to do something.
fuck that car. fuck payments. fuck my parents for forcing me into that goddamn car in the first place.

Glad your ok!

You’ll get things straightened out and it seems you have already learned from this unfortunate experience.

Looks like this is the first spring/summer time accident on the board. SLOW DOWN PEOPLE!!

No good man…Sorry to hear. Always think “it could’a been worse.” Great to see you ok

A cheap used honda as in like a GSR teg ?

Autocross cures AIDS! True story.

Thanks for my 4th custom user title, fry.

:snky: This one is a keeper.

lol oh noes. no more speeder lifer for me :frowning:

welcome to “growing up”, its when people realize they are unsafe drivers and not invincible. i learned that when i got my VW airborne in a parking lot.

some kid claimed that my car came pretty high off the ground but idk, i guess i believe it.

yeah man im sure you wouldnt be hurt in that accident, i was when fine i had to flatbed my car out, you just realize its not worth it anymore, thousands of dollars, bumming rides from people, having insurance go up, having parents pissed, same thing with speeding tickets. especially when you get older and have more to lose (career wise if you hit someone for ex). i still drive aggressively but i save pushing it for the road course… hope to see you out there