To everyone who stopped by tonight after southgate. PICS page 2 and 6

Thanks alot. I know it’s not worth it. I’m going to be paying this wreck off for a long time. It’s a learning experience I suppose. I just wish this headache would go away :-/

wow. well, glad you’re okay. You live, and you learn.

I’m all for fucking around & pushing your car, but why would you possibly do that in that area?

And, i dunno if auto-x would’ve helped you here… it seems like it was just a stupid decision in the first place. At least you didn’t hurt anyone else.

Wait. Insurance?


ian and myself will be over before work to snap a few pics.

If you have no personal assets, insurance is a waste of money.:biglaugh:

It was like 11:45 no cars were around.

I owe more than it’s worth, I’ll have to pay the difference…right?

Do you have gap coverage?

If I’m not home it’s sitting at the end of the garages by mine. I just drove it there. It’s locked, obviously but check out how dropped the front end is now, something is fucked up.

I’m not sure. My parents work for the company so I’ll find out what I can when they get home and post up what I find out.

Gap insurance. Google it. You prolly had it (you had better hope so).

And, I know that area… its a stupid decision. Don’t shit where you eat.

Perfect candidate for a Mk2 24v Vr6 swap.

i told him to find a shell lol

You sure that’s totalled? What’s it book?

that’s what i asked him…i guess he tore a nice hole in the rocker.

a car with worse understeer would be perfect for him.

sorry about your car. that sucks man. glad you’re ok though.

there is no way there isn’t frame damage. along with the seatbelt and airbags being fucked as well I’m fairly sure it’s totalled. This is not to mention all the major suspension damage and the whole motor looks like it dropped down a few inches as well.
book in excellent is 9,995 so I think it’s gonna be done for.

Thanks :slight_smile: it’s just a car. theres plenty more i suppose

get money … buy back from ins company … part out make more money

glad you’re ok duder.
parting it out, right? :wink:

he wasnt racing tho… he just tried takin the turn fast…:tif:

Sell ya an ek for 2500.

Sucks dude.