Transformers: Live Action Movie

I’ll give you all the benefit of the doubt and watch it again sometime, maybe it was just that the theater I saw it in sucked and my spine was out of alignment by the time the movie was over, not to mention the decepticon that lodged itself in my tire and gave me a flat…

but Rob, I still stick by my guns saying that one scene was super corny… :stuck_out_tongue:

HAHA you’re forgiven for now. Autobots are called off.

The house/hiding robots scene was a little much. They went from technological marvals, to 3 stooges in a matter of minutes. When the hot chick popped out it saved the scene though. The parents sitting there going, “Oh yeah, our son is nailing a smokin hotty” was great.

how sick would this be in the sequel

Does anyone know what that preview was of the people on the rooftop making a good bye video for their friend?

cloverfield… read the thread next time


cloverfield… read the thread next time


Thanks but chill out there guy I didnt know there was already a post asking


Thanks but chill out there guy I didnt know there was already a post asking


You would have if you took 5 minutes to read through the entire thread.

Reading is hard. I want my answers spoon fed.

yep im a faggot

as nice as it would be to have the dinobots…for authenticity…i would be way too frustrated with grimloc. the dinobots were way too fuggin stupid.

aerialbots (superion) were the shit though


how sick would this be in the sequel


No THIS would be siq

omfg it was awsome! just saw it for the 2nd time lol.

the transformation from old maro to new maRO was siqqqq

ok, I saw it and here is my critique.

Transformers is, by far, my favorite cartoon. I have been a total fan growing up. I collected and have comics 1 - 60. Anyway my expectations for this movie were very high.

I wish I had not watched any of the preview clips because that ruined some of the best scenes.

My biggest grip is that the Decepticons did not talk… or very poorly.
One of the most unique qualities about the Transformers is that each unit had a very unique personality… and that became very apparent when they spoke. Starscream was always very loud and running his mouth… and that made for a great show.

Starscream barely said shit… and when he did it was some muffled bullshit. He should have been bold and loud like his damn personality.
Blackout didnt say shit. Bonecrusher didnt say shit. When Barricade spoke I didnt understand a fucking thing because his voice was low and shitty.
And why the fuck was Bumblebee mute through half the movie?

When all the Decepticons were summoned to the dam they all replied is some Cybertronian language bullshit. What the fuck is that? In the cartoon they always replied vocally, not with some stupid fucking subtitles… really lame.

Second stupid thing was when Blackout got taken down with a single shot in the dick from Army Captain Numbnuts. Umm … the largest decepticon gets dropped by a fucking pea-shooter? Ya gotta be kidding me.

Third: Too many human interactions and personal human stories bullshit. The Sector Sever Guy was a douchebag and WAY overdone. Acted like some clown and not a pro. This was supposed to be about the Transformers and not some gay human side stories. I wanted to see a bit more of the Transformers on screen… altho the showing was damn decent.

Fourth: Bays camera work was shitty throughout half the move. Alot of it is very good but a good deal was poor. There were too many closeups of robot knees and pelvises during battle instead of broader shots that put the entire transformer in the picture. Blackout was a work of art and we did not see enough of him in the picture…

Fifth: The cubes energy being able to turn ANY mechanical device into a transformer was stupid. A fucking soda vending machine transformer? GTFO.
Transformers were BUILT by hand or automation, with a specific intended purpose… no magical energy turns cell phones into Transformers… STUPID.

Sixth: Transformers never had the ability to completely reconstitute their physical form/structure just by scanning another vehicle. Transformers were built to transform to a specific vehicle. They cant just change that at a whim… im sure it made the movie much easier to put together but it was gay IMO… too much scifi and way too far off from the original concept and storyline.

Overall I thought the movie was good but I was dissapointed at the “Hollywood” meddling/interpretation of the Original concept.

BTW, why the fuck does Prime have flames painted on him? Prime was Noble and Humble and NEVER flashy. Stupid fucking Fastn Furious bullshit.

nice write up violator i agree with aspects of what your saying
but having Peter Cullen signed on was a huge sell for me i love primes voice

ugh going to see it tonight, cant wait

If your going to watch it i recommend the regal transit they have a high def dlp theater playing it and man is it crisp compared to a standard theater showing…

I agree with some of the story line woe’s… it was kind of a let down… it was kind of like a laggy turbo with a short rev limiter… drawn out too long in the beginning and to quick to finish. There was too much product placement and played a little too much of the comedy card for my liking… and took away from the story line.

Bumble Bee’s voice was damaged in battle and got repaired by ratchet half way through the movie.

little bit of david and goliath with Blackout being taken down but it was bumble bee who laid the final blow there.

There wasn’t as much charactor developement with the transformers themselves though and they just kind of came into the picture with in the last 45 minutes blew shit up and it was over…

I thought there would have been more just then bumble bee and barracade chasing after each other (it did make for a nice add for chevy though) and megatron would have played a bigger role then he did.

plus jazz was a weak little bitch in the film and what was the deal with them being hurtled through space like meteors instead on having the classic galactic battle and crash landing on earth?

This really wasn’t much like the original series but i guess every new epic to the transformers saga is different

Overall though it was a good movie and i would definately go watch it again. The sound track was sweet too.


ok, I saw it and here is my critique.

Transformers is, by far, my favorite cartoon. I have been a total fan growing up. I collected and have comics 1 - 60. Anyway my expectations for this movie were very high.

I wish I had not watched any of the preview clips because that ruined some of the best scenes.

My biggest grip is that the Decepticons did not talk… or very poorly.
One of the most unique qualities about the Transformers is that each unit had a very unique personality… and that became very apparent when they spoke. Starscream was always very loud and running his mouth… and that made for a great show.

Starscream barely said shit… and when he did it was some muffled bullshit. He should have been bold and loud like his damn personality.
Blackout didnt say shit. Bonecrusher didnt say shit. When Barricade spoke I didnt understand a fucking thing because his voice was low and shitty.
And why the fuck was Bumblebee mute through half the movie?

When all the Decepticons were summoned to the dam they all replied is some Cybertronian language bullshit. What the fuck is that? In the cartoon they always replied vocally, not with some stupid fucking subtitles… really lame.

Second stupid thing was when Blackout got taken down with a single shot in the dick from Army Captain Numbnuts. Umm … the largest decepticon gets dropped by a fucking pea-shooter? Ya gotta be kidding me.

Third: Too many human interactions and personal human stories bullshit. The Sector Sever Guy was a douchebag and WAY overdone. Acted like some clown and not a pro. This was supposed to be about the Transformers and not some gay human side stories. I wanted to see a bit more of the Transformers on screen… altho the showing was damn decent.

Fourth: Bays camera work was shitty throughout half the move. Alot of it is very good but a good deal was poor. There were too many closeups of robot knees and pelvises during battle instead of broader shots that put the entire transformer in the picture. Blackout was a work of art and we did not see enough of him in the picture…

Fifth: The cubes energy being able to turn ANY mechanical device into a transformer was stupid. A fucking soda vending machine transformer? GTFO.
Transformers were BUILT by hand or automation, with a specific intended purpose… no magical energy turns cell phones into Transformers… STUPID.

Sixth: Transformers never had the ability to completely reconstitute their physical form/structure just by scanning another vehicle. Transformers were built to transform to a specific vehicle. They cant just change that at a whim… im sure it made the movie much easier to put together but it was gay IMO… too much scifi and way too far off from the original concept and storyline.

Overall I thought the movie was good but I was dissapointed at the “Hollywood” meddling/interpretation of the Original concept.

BTW, why the fuck does Prime have flames painted on him? Prime was Noble and Humble and NEVER flashy. Stupid fucking Fastn Furious bullshit.


WOW! way to point out every detail about an amazing movie that you dont like. So u didnt like some of the dull corny humor, SO WHAT thats your problem. Concentrating on the human story line is a must in any movie. U need characters that u care about otherwise a movie is boring and dull and nobody cares, so yeah character developement is a must.

And Blackout being taken out by just one shot? Last i remember he was getten shot by more than one thing and it wasnt just from USAF guys on the ground…

Bumblebee not talking. If u listened to what prime had to say then you would know he was damaged during a battle and he couldnt speak. I think when he touched the cube it “repaired” his voice (not sure tho).

This movie was a depiction of what BAY wanted (or even the writers). So get over it. Just b/c they didnt follow every aspect of the cartoon doesnt mean shit. Honestly i liked it the way they did it and it doesnt bother me.

The other decepticons really had no reason to speak in any part of the film. Hell i think some of the autobots didnt need to speak, like jazz, although i found it humorous.

As far as starscream i have to agree with you. I liked his loud mouthing and somewhat indedpendance. In the movie they made Megatron like a superior dictator and it seam like starscream kinda coward at him (during teh damn scene). Starscream always had somthing to say and somtimes didnt do what Megatron said.

It seams like with any type of series, it being a cartoon, comic book or video game, its the biggest fans that always have the negative shit to say. They let subtle differences overshadow what is a completley good film. Its what Bay wanted its what u got. If u want to make your own movie go for it. Take it for what its worth. If u were really a fan then you shouldnt have much of a problem accepting the slight differnces between the comics/cartoon and the movie. Or u just dont have a sense of humor.

BTW this is the only movie that was great that was inspired by a cartoon, comic or video game. Besides the spiderman movies.

just saw the movie, and I absolutely loved it.

I didn’t watch the cartoon as religiously as some of you, so I didn’t notice any of the changes until I read about them, but you know what, it was still a great movie and was a lot of fun to watch.

The comic relief from “Sam” I think was a nice touch, kind relieved some of the seriousness. Although the part where they are hiding from his parents was really long and stupid.

overall, i’m saying 9.5/10 on this one.

AND HOLY FUCK WAS THAT GIRL HOT!!! I want to marry that, seriously.