TV shopping - need help!

i have no comback. haha


They have a number of store’s ads posted.

on anything above 37" the difference between 720 and 1080 on sports or say blue ray or video games is enormous. Regular tv you wont see much of a diffierence but dvds, blue ray HD sports channels you will never understand how you lived without it

now a days its stupid not to get 1080p bc its cheap. but when i got mine it was like a $700 differance.

Yea I figure if I’m gonna do it and get a new TV I might as well take advantage of the 1080p if it’s not that much of a price difference and I do plan on getting a Blue-Ray DVD player in the near future.

you should look into the Sony Bravia LCD’s we have 2 of them and picture quality is great!

I heard rumors of when you buy the older 80GB PS3, that you get 10 BluRay movies also. That is supposed to be some Black Friday deal.

get out of thread!

And get back in kitchen.

Men are talking here.

hahahaha :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

aww… shouldn’t you be at the gym or something gay like that…

haha… you don’t want me in the kitchen I can’t cook…

if the gym is gay then i love cock in and or around my mouth.

well you did admit to liking foot long Italians in your mouth… just sayin…

whats your point?

and i said i wanted double meat. dont forget that part

Don’t get a plasma. The LCD technology in today’s TV’s is at a minimum equal to that of a plasma. Plasma will get you a good picture but you have to work out at the gym 7 days a week if you plan on moving the TV, not to mention steel rods to hang on the wall.

Go with a LCD/Projection Screen television. 120Hz at 1080 is MORE than sufficient. Preferably name brand, Sony, etc

and sauce all over your face ha

thats funny because my 42" plasma weighs 42 lbs. asshat!

wait…did u just suggest a projection??? wtf??? go home. haha

Are projection even made anymore? I didn’t think those had been made for the last year or so… they were crappy quality and a waste of space…