TW raising rates...

I looked into all this too, if you need to make any changes it’s not a problem. The only way you’d be charged a cancellation fee is if you went down to only one service with them. Say you had internet, tv, phone, and decided to get rid of the phone? You can keep the package pricing for just the internet and the TV. If you dropped internet and phone, you’d be charged a cancellation fee because the package no longer applies. Same in the opposite direction, if you had just internet and TV and added phone, you’d just bundle that into the package. RR turbo is $10 extra a month, and they’ve got this cool service called powerboost. Not going to explain it here, but it’s free with turbo and it can hit up to 30 Mbps.

I thought powerboost was just marketing?

powerboost is comcast technology that they implemented. coincidentally, it goes hand in hand with the bandwidth capping on P2P/bittorrent. Methinks that’s the next step for TWC.

Nope, it actually works

They’ve had it out for months.

i need to crunch the numbers but there are too many: price per month, different channel packages, different equipment prices, fees, etc.

i want the speed channel and a few others and those are on the top 200 package and a dvr is $6 and i dont have a land line so that addl $5

i have no idea

Ok, since you brought this up…

Dish Network’s packages have gone up once in the last four years. But with those increases came new programming.

They used to have:

Top 60 package @ $20 a month
Top 100 package @ $30 a month
Top 200 package @ $40 a month

They now have:

Dish Family @ $20 a month
Top 100 @ $33 a month
Top 200 @ $45 a month
Top 250 @ $55 a month
DVR Advantage @ $50 a month (includes 200 channels and DVR)
America’s Everything Pack @ $100 a month (over 280 channels and all movie packs)

So yes, prices with Dish have gone up, but once in four years isn’t bad and in most cases you get a shitload more channels as well.

Call em up. Starting price for RR standard and digital is 79.99. You have to add whatever boxes and taxes on top of that.

Edit: Carbonfiberhooded, all they do is come up with completely new channel packages to make it look like they’re adding stuff. They may have added a few things, but look at all the stuff TW added for free to digital customers, without changing pricing until now?

More free HD channels, Start Over, Caller ID on tv, more free On Demand stuff, bumped the standard internet speed from 4 to 10 meg, Powerboost for free. Didn’t charge a cent for any of that. I’m sure I’m missing things.

Not if you get the DVR advantage. The DVR price is already included.

that DVR advantage sounds like a good DEALIO

yea i forgot about that. but i watched the DIY channel all day yesterday, lol. thats only on the at250, which is 55 plus the 5 no phone charge puts me basically at tw.

too many choices!

I’m so glad I’m no longer that guy, and don’t give 2 shits about rate increases (not that I ever did considering being an employee made it free for me).

Moving to VA my apt place has 2 options MDU (which is shitty Internet/TV) but it’s free for me, or DTV which is pay. I could care less to pay for it, and even though I lost all my free PPV with TWC I realized I rarely have time to watch it, and when I do it is movies/shows I downloaded from the net anywho.

:tdown: to price increase, but you guys can’t be so naive and expect it not to happen, especially after the whole Viacom bs.

either Wookie works at time warner or has family near the top :rofl:


Or I just like them because their customer service is great and their pricing is competitive.

Um yeah that’s it! Ok, whatever you say!!

How many HD channels does TW have??? I guarantee Dish has at least twice as many. Dish is constantly adding more as they become available. Ask any of the people here who have HD through Dish, how many more channels have turned on since they first got it and ask them how much more they are paying for these added channels. Unless they changed packages, the answer will be $0.

We also offer the ONLY all HD content package. Does TW do that?? Oh yeah, it would be like only 25 channels!!

Oh, and our On Demand content is broadcast in 1080P. TW can’t get near that.

We have caller ID. We’ve had it for over ten years!!! It’s about time, Time Warner got it. If someone has a home phone, we hook it up for them at no charge.

I’m done here. Yes I work for Dish and I will say this one last thing. TW blows. Plain and simple. Stop feeding the cable pig!

If anyone wants Dish or has a question about it, PM me.


what would it cost monthly for the DVR advantage plus an HD package?

does that 55 include HD or whatev


They’ve got about 40 free HD channels and a few over 60 if you want to pay for the extras. I currently don’t pay extra for my HD, so I only get about 40. With dish you do pay extra for HD. Why would I want a package that only gives me HD channels? I wouldn’t be able to watch the channels that only come in SD.

You have on demand? Like Time Warner’s on demand? Or do I have to go on the computer and download it, and don’t I have to have an HD DVR box to use it? That sucks, with TW I can just chill on my couch and select something with my remote, and it’s free on any digital box. And I do have it in HD, thanks.

Ok, so you’ve had CID on tv for quite a while. That’s probably where TW got the idea from.

Good, GTFO. I used to work for Verizon, and shared your view. Then I got TW for cable and internet, and never looked back.

TW has had CID on TV for about 8 years now or so… just happens Buffalo was the last to get it :shrug:

PS I love heated battles. Let’s get abortion added into the mix on this one :slight_smile:

Lol. Didn’t know that about the caller ID, I did know that we’re pretty far behind everywhere else.