Upgraded Seat belts / harness Question

I really need better seat belts/harness for drifting. I’d rather not swap seats just yet. I’m looking for maybe a 4 point harness, but isn’t the proper way to install them is to have a cage installed? I defiantly don’t want a cage, but I have seen some cars with the bar that goes across the B-pillar and the harness attaches to that. But I also want the B-pillar bar removable quickly (pins ect) because I’ll only use it for when I bring it to the track.

Any ideas?

4 point harnesses in general are a bad idea because you’ll submarine right under the lap belt in a front end wreck and all that force gets put on your organs and not your hips.

Any harness’s shoulder straps need to be properly attached to a bar behind the seat (close behind the seat).

Problem: Harness keeps you upright in the seat in all circumstances. Factory 3 pt lets you slide out of the way. So when your roof and pillars collapse in on you in a roll or hard side hit, you’ll be sitting there, upright, supporting the roof with your spine.

Seats do more for supporting the driver than just harnesses do btw.


Ok, so what do you suggest I do? The car is my summer daily and I don’t feel like changing out seats just for an event, but won’t mind swapping belts/harness.

When I went to AIS I found myself holding onto the shifter and steering wheel way to hard and sometimes a sharp turn would make me push the shifter out of gear. When I rode in another car that had a 4 point harness I felt more secure.

Get a 4 pt harness… for a small event like LVD where the chances of you flipping/crashing into anything really hard are pretty much 0…

Buy a 4pt and bolt it to the back seatbelts… its not ideal… but it will hold you in place

If they do make a b pillar harnes bar for your car then do that instead

I’d personally keep the money and use the stock stuff. Seats/harnesses/roll cage/etc are designed to function together. Just my $.02. Lots of people use harnesses on stock seats, dont crash, and never have any problems.

I would change how you’re driving the car. Dont brace yourself using the shift lever, in fact, I wouldnt hold on to it at all except for when you’re shifting. Try ‘locking’ your seatbelt when you strap in or move the seat back, strap in, then move it forward to hold your body in place. You can get lots of support from just doing that.

I’d get a good fixed back seat before getting harnesses. A good seat will make a world of difference. After you get a seat if you still need it get a harness bar and harness

I’m not concerned about LVD, more about AIS, the track is a lot faster.

The thing is I’d rather not daily a fixed back seat

It’s kinda hard to make the seat belts lock in my car, but I’ll try it.

Fixed backs are perfectly comfortable if you get the right ones. I had a Tom Motorsporst carbon fixed back in my hatch for a while 4-5 hours drives were just as comfy as a stock seat

Unless you like to drive with a lean on…

Like a forza corbeau seat while cheap i find very comfortable…

If nto get one and swap it out for events take 5 mins dude

The only seats I won’t mind putting in are these:

I’d want to swap both front seats so it doesn’t look dumb and how am I supposed to get road head if we’re both sunk in some racing fixed back seat??

You know while I was typeing my above statement I was just thinking this…

And ehh not really a fan of road head… Id rather lean on my hood and have her suck me off outside the car…

anyways Nismo knockoffs FTW…

Acctualy dude I sat in a pair there very comfy and sturdy feeling… you can get them on ebay for like 400 bucks shipped for the pair…

I dont think anyone on here could afford real nismo seats

I have recieved road head in a fixed back before.

This is a knock off of the seat i used to have

Dude it’s a 3 hour drive to AIS, I’m not going to pull over :rofl

We stopped 2 or 3 times though.

You had time

So you want me to get head while pumping gas and everyone else around watching? :lol

I would have gotten pictures.

Would have made you famous

All American badass

keep it sick. Women are objects '09

:rofl :rofl

2 all time most awsome moments

Getting jerked off by a girl in a hot tub with 8 other people in it… busting a nut. getting out and leaving telling everony later on…

Getting head on my couch by my gf with 2 of my friends sitting there not paying attention :rofl

SRS BZNS for president!