Weed Stocks & Investing Thread (And Cannabis Campus Buffalo)

I was thinking about this today when NYS announced public funding to work towards this tech.

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people with marijuana-related convictions will get dibs on the first 100 to 200 retail cannabis licenses awarded by New York.


It’s part of a broader effort to redress the inequities of a justice system that locked up a disproportionate number of people of color for drug crimes.


Hey we know you’re a piece of shit drug dealer, so how about being a piece of shit drug dealer…for NYS?

I’m just going to throw this out there… What kind of business owner will be 100x less likely to get away with tax fraud?

If its anything like canada awarding early licenses wont matter much when there is a cannabis store in every single plaza in your city.

Cannabis stores out number restaurants up here now.

At the end of the day if they can’t sell legally for less than $10 a gram most people will just keep going to their dealer.

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you can buy a pound for like $1000… which is like 450 grams… so yeah why would you buy from a store lol

wallstreetbets vs a goldfish from one of my favorite youtubers (the guy that made the cursing roomba)

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i’d be shocked if it passes the senate


yes they already closed thier largest facility in Niagara over a year ago. a close friend of mine, that used to be on here, is the building foreman and the last remaining employee that goes with the building.


Someone hold me back from making an “up in smoke” dad joke…


It’s not surprising. You gotta out do the illegal distributors and get the “legal” shit like delta 8 off the shelf as well as make it less expensive.

1000mg of edibles at Dank716 downtown buffalo is a little over $300 (each 100mg pack is 30$ plus tax)

1000mg of edibles at the indian reservation is $15

I’ll make that 30 minute drive and spend $6 in gas once every 6 months to save 280$. Of course the reservation doesn’t go through the same bureaucracy and quality standards but I’m sure the ones the state goes through is overkill.

Also these Arab smoke shops are popping up every half mile. They sell legit shit in back if requested and they start to trust you.

Weed used to be $3-400 an ounce, now it’s down to $50-$100 based on quality.

Everyone who wants to use is already using.

Legal distribution was oversatured. I think it’s just adjusting for what the market needs and then it’ll stabilize. If it wants to grow any further it has to be more competitive with illegal distributors.

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Reading the article on Colorado was interesting. What a perfect storm of timing with Covid. Just as they legalized it you made everyone depressed, locked in their homes and sent them a bunch of stimulus checks. No wonder there was a weed boom. It’s going to take a while for the market to find it’s true balance of supply and demand. Like any new industry the cowboys that took the risks to jump in early and did great with zero competition are going to struggle when more established and experienced businesses enter the space. When your profit margins are over 50% you can be terrible at running a business and still succeed. Those 50% margins never last though because once you prove that kind of money is out there the more risk averse people that know how to run a lean mean company will enter the space and undercut you and you.

When you see things like this:

Back in the days when the dispensary was printing money, Dank fed its employees, paid for all of their health insurance costs and even hosted weekly staff parties. Every time a cab driver pulled up to drop off a customer, that cabbie was getting a fiver.

You know that guy is either going to have to learn to run his company on far less profit or he’s going to be out of business in a hurry when the competition shows up.

I can smell that Walmart parking lot already…
Or just about everyplace people gather outdoors now.


Literally every where now people gather smells
Like weed. I can’t help but think “must be some trashy people around” or maybe I’m getting old LOL