What items don't correlate their price premium to their functionality?

All we need in this world is water food and shelter. Anything beyond that is a WANT. Arguing over why someone would want to pay more for something that does the same thing as another is pointless. Maybe they care as much about having a name brand item as you care about not having a name brand item. Who the fuck cares. Seriously.

Cars ALL do the same thing. Get you from point A to point B. I can go buy an econobox for sub $10k brand new or I can go buy an super high end Maybach for $400k. They both do the same thing they just do it differently. Same with everything else on this planet.

so i need to buy a 968$ hdmi cord to make my videogames work?

fuck that, lottery is the best invention in the world… even though ive only lost my entire life lol.

Noone NEEDS an HDMI cable period. You WANT one. If someone wants to pay $10 for one great. If someone wants to spend $808647 great. They wouldnt sell them if someone didnt want them.

Another subjective topic that will lead to no conclusion except that we are all self pronounced intellectuals.

You don’t seem to understand how things work.

It’s a basic Cost to benefit analysis that you do on EVERY SINGLE purchase you do. Unless you buy the most expensive option possible EVERY time then you rule out many things you want as you don’t justify the premium by the benefit even if you can afford it.

I WANT a hard drive.

40 gigs is too small. 500 gig will do me right and price is right. OOH a 40 terabyte one??? I want it… But I see no reason to spend 10,000 when a $100 will suit me just fine.

I WANT a new TV. I don’t want used blah blah blah. 60 inch 1080p sounds fine for what im looking for. Do I WANT the 70 inch no glasses 3D TV? Fuck yeah. Can I justify paying double for little gain? No.

This isn’t a hard concept. You do it just about every single day.

Regardless of that nonsense another good example.

Built in GPS systems for new cars. Often a $3000 option that my phone or a basic Garmin can do better. (Not counting when it’s tied in to other trim packages)

totally agree with this, aftermarket double din can do everything and do it much better for $1000. factory nav is a waste of coin unless they are throwing it in for free

also a new car is a great example.

take a sti for example they are $40k new. years later how much are they worth? about 10k if they have 100,000+ miles.

in some cases new cars are worse performance iwse then the older cars but they cost alot more.

new cars should be on this list.

z06 is another car that drops alot in price. 2003 z06 are found for well under 20k now but were 60k cars in 2002.

Name brand OTC’s such as Advil Tylenol etc… Vs the store brand generic.

I want a Rolex GMT ii something fierce, just sayin’

You want a Z06 or an STi? Go buy one. Seriously, who gives a fuck? Ive filled a 1TB hard drive in two years, I ain’t even mad. Some things are justifiable and some arent, its dependent on who is looking at them and why you’re looking at them.

If we don’t have luxuries and objects to show or reward an individuals hard work then we might as well implement a communist society that allows 2 models of cars with 3 color choices - black, gray, and white, everyone makes the same pay no matter what you do, your housing is all the same square footage, same color, you’re limited to what you watch on TV and the size of your TV, you’re allowed only two children, and you can’t be outside past 10PM without a permit unless coming directly home from work.

It would be a boring fucking country if we lived with no frills and unjustifiable, forbidden toys and treats. A Lamborghini can be a form of motivation to push oneself to do more so that person can buy that car. Same applies with a summer home or whatever else.

A Rolex I am sure is built, assembled, and manufactured from slightly different materials than a fucking Fossil watch you buy at the mall. Yea, sure, it displays the same fucking 24 hours any other watch does but its a status symbol. If I could afford one I would own one just to have. My cell phone tells me what time it is on the display and I dont like shit on my wrist so I dont wear a watch but I’d still buy a Rolex if I could. Maybe someday Ill be able to afford one. If theres no motivation than whats the point?


You’re missing the point of the thread.

What are the items out there that YOU THINK can’t justify their price.

You can have whatever you want. If you think $100 bottle of water made from tears of unicorn is worth it, by all means buy it. There will be 40 other people that will post in here saying they can’t see it justifying the price so they will say that.

There are no defined right answers. Some you will agree with some you wont.

I can’t believe I even have to explain it. :facepalm

I realize what the point of the thread is, somehow it got turned into an argument on Rolex watches and STis :rofl

And thats my response. Just like you said, not everyone will agree on the same thing. I could say BMWs are overly-priced, unjustifiable, and drive no differently than a Honda. Do they? Are they made the same? They both have navigation and leather seats. This whole thread is a matter of personal opinion and not justifiable due to the fact it will never have a unified consistent answer.

Had a dinosaur egg for breakfast this morning followed up by a tall glass of unicorn tears.

Times are tough.

Rinsed your mouth out with the diamonds from 6 Rolex watches too :rofl

but in order to have water food and shelter you need other things to obtain them.

http://shift518.com/showthread.php?t=20965 this car

condoms vs ziploc baggies

owning slaves vs hiring mexicans

coat hanger vs abortion clinic.

im going to check to see what i get them for employee price.

$500 and the terminals aren’t even 24K gold plated like the one I paid $40 for from Parts Express.